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JFileChooser seems to cause OutOfMemory. CONFIGURATION: -OS : winXP(SP2,Japanese) -JRE : 1.4.2_11, 5.0u4, mustangb75 REPRODUCE: 1) Compile the attached test program, JFileChooserTest.java 2) Launch java -Xmx8m -verbose:gc JFileChooserTest > log 2>&1 3) A dialogue appears, if you use 1.4.2_XX, please click go button. if 5.0ux, please set 200 to text box of "repeat count" Then Click "Go" BUtton. 4) when the program stopped, please refer to log file. OutOfMemory message appears. NOTE: - -Xmx8m is specified to reproduce quickly. Actual licnesee program does not set such small heap size. - When we use JFileChose, updateUI() might not be applied. This is speficied to show the possibility of some leak in JFIleChooser. That's specified only for quick reproduction.