JDK-6479305 : GTK L&F: more toolbar issues
  • Type: Bug
  • Component: client-libs
  • Sub-Component: javax.swing
  • Affected Version: 5.0
  • Priority: P3
  • Status: Closed
  • Resolution: Fixed
  • OS: solaris_9
  • CPU: generic
  • Submitted: 2006-10-06
  • Updated: 2011-03-09
  • Resolved: 2011-03-08
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Unresolved : Release in which this issue/RFE will be addressed.
Resolved: Release in which this issue/RFE has been resolved.
Fixed : Release in which this issue/RFE has been fixed. The release containing this fix may be available for download as an Early Access Release or a General Availability Release.

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6u1Fixed 7 b07Fixed
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Bug 6477839 identifies some issues with JToolBar under GTK L&F and the Nimbus theme,
but there are other more general issues that affect all themes:
  1) Native GTK toolbar buttons are square by default and have a certain amount
     internal padding; currently, Swing's JButtons retain their rectangular shape
     when added to a JToolBar, and their padding is inconsistent with native.
  2) The SynthToolBarLayoutManager that is used by GTK L&F does not properly account
     for insets, which means that toolbar buttons currently render on top of the
     toolbar border, which looks really ugly.
  3) JToggleButtons that are added to a JToolBar have their border/content painted
     when in the non-selected state.  This is different from regular JButtons and
     native GTK toggle buttons.
  4) The JToolBar itself does not seem to be painted properly; specifically, there
     is an extra border around the toolbar portion that is not present in native
One more issue to add to the list:
  5) Native GtkButtons do not paint their border when in a disabled state in
     in a toolbar setting; disabled JButtons added to a JToolBar do paint their

EVALUATION After syncing up this fix with 6489585, we discovered some interesting issues with the sizing of JButtons, particularly those that are non-default. We dealt with this problem partially for JButtons hosted in a JToolBar by treating them always as non-default-capable, but a more complete solution for standalone JButtons will be offered under the following bugid (to avoid overloading this toolbar-focused fix): 6495117: GTK L&F: non-default JButtons sized differently than native

EVALUATION The fix outlined above for issue (1) will not be needed once we have the fix for 6489585 in place. There's no need to add special logic for "square" (icon-only) toolbar buttons because as of the fix for 6489585, all buttons (including toolbar ones) will be created with the appropriate offsets. This means that icon-only toolbar buttons will be square by nature, no extra code required. This greatly simplifies the fix, but of course we still need to resolve issues (2) through (5).

EVALUATION And for the newly added issue: 5) The problem here is in GTKPainter.paintButtonBackgroundImpl(): if ((paintBackground && !toolButton) || (gtkState != SynthConstants.ENABLED)) // paintBox(); Due to this logic, if toolButton is true and gtkState is DISABLED, then we will end up painting the button background. We need to update this logic so that we do not paint the background in this scenario.

EVALUATION Here's the evaluation for each of the above issues: 1) SynthToolBarUI does not override the create*Border() methods, nor does GTKLookAndFeel provide UI defaults for rolloverBorder, etc. This is typically the way that L&Fs provide square toolbar buttons (by specifying a square Border for each of the three border properties). 2) Two things here... We need to update SynthToolBarLayoutManager to account for the insets of the toolbar properly. But that change alone is not enough, since GTK L&F is currently providing zero insets for JToolBars. So we need to fix GTKStyle.getInsets() to return "thickness insets" for TOOL_BAR and TOOL_BAR_DRAG_WINDOW. 3) This one's easy. In GTKPainter.paintToggleButtonBackground(), we were always passing false for the "toolButton" parameter of paintButtonBackgroundImpl(). Clearly this needs to be updated to check for: boolean toolButton = (toggleButton.getParent() instanceof JToolBar); just as we do in paintButtonBackground(). This will cause native GTK engines to paint the toggle button appropriately when it's in a toolbar context. 4) It seems that two methods in GTKPainter, paintToolBarBackground() and paintToolBarContentBackground() are making the wrong GTK painting calls, which causes the extra borders and incorrect rendering. I'm not sure why these wrong calls are being made; either it was just a simple oversight when the code was added in Mustang, or perhaps an older version of the GTK libraries was actually making the calls this way (and the author of these methods was just following that code), but somehow that seems unlikely. In any case, I have consulted the GTK+ source code (version 2.8.20) for gtktoolbar.c and gtkhandlebox.c and have found the proper way to paint these elements. The paintToolBarBackground() method should be calling paintBox("handlebox_bin"), while paintToolBarContentBackground() should be calling paintBox("toolbar"). This is because the "toolbar background" corresponds to the whole background (which surrounds the toolbar and the handle, if present), which in native GTK terminology is a GtkHandleBox. The "toolbar content background" corresponds only to the background of the toolbar itself (not including the handle), which in native GTK terminology is a GtkToolBar. With these fixes in place, Swing's GTK L&F is now pixel-for-pixel accurate with native GTK toolbars.