I have a webstart application which defines two icons, a 32x32 icon for use as a desktop shortcut, and a 64x64 one for use as a splash icon. The segment from the JNLP file is:
<icon href="MeninosIcon32.gif"/>
<icon href="MeninosIcon64.gif" kind="splash"/>
However the 64x64 icon is ignored during the download, and is not used in the application startup splash screen - I get the default "Java Loading" splash screen. I've tried everything I can think of - reordering the icon entries, explicitly pecifying the height and width of the icons, adding "kind="default" to the 32x32 icon and so forth.
And if I remove the 64x64 icon entry altogether, I *still* get the default "Java Loading" splash screen - no matter what I try I can't get webstart to display a custom splash screen.
I've also compared my configuration to the bugster JNLP file, which *does* work properly, and I can't see any pertinent differences. I've even tried using the "lady.jpg" file Bugster uses, but that still doesn't display as a splash screen with my app.
One thing that might be pertinent: my JNLP is hosted on Apache and uses content negotiation to serve pack200 versions of the Jar files - although I've tried disabling it and it didn't make any apparent difference.
The application is at http://www.bleaklow.com/meninos/membership_test/ - for the moment at least. The only bit you can't browse is the Apache .htaccess file, which is below:
AddType application/x-java-jnlp-file .jnlp
AddType application/x-java-archive .jar
AddHandler application/x-type-map .var
Options +MultiViews
<Files *.pack.gz>
AddEncoding pack200-gzip .jar
RemoveEncoding .gz
I'd be grateful for any suggestions on how I might debug this further.