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POGO.com report a memory regression in 5u8. Run a few simple applets (or the applet supplied from pogo) in the same browser, and then navigate the browser to a page without any applet. Perform GC. If you hook up JProfiler, you will still see instances of AppletViewer and IExplorerEmbedded frame there, with a JNI Gloal Ref referenceing it, preventing it from GC. JProfiler screenshot: http://javaweb.sfbay.sun.com/~ngthomas/pogo/applet-jni-ref.PNG Pogo.com simple applet source: import java.applet.Applet; public class JNIGlobalReferenceLeakDemoApplet extends Applet { private int[] mBigLeak; public void init() { mBigLeak = new int[1000000]; for (int i = 0; i < mBigLeak.length; i++) { mBigLeak[i] = i; } } } With 5u7, the problem cannot be reproduced. Also, if I replace awt.dll and rt.jar from 5u7 to 5u8, I cannot reproduce the problem too. So I am assigning the bug to awt so they can take a look.