Java API document has too much warnings and errors HTML chackers(tidy/jtidy) detected.
As to specific result, please see the attached files.
- JTidy (04aug2000r7-dev) :
jtidy_index-7.html.txt : resutt of docs\api\index-files\index-7.html
jtidy_Component.html.txt : resutt of docs\api\java\awt\Component.html
- tidy (
tidy_index-7.html.txt : resutt of docs\api\index-files\index-7.html
tidy_Component.html.txt : resutt of docs\api\java\awt\Component.html
To improve the HTML quality of JDK documentation for future releases like JavaSE 6.0 and 7.0
In order to accomplish the above request, it is recommended by the customer
to add HTML syntax checker to stddoclet and output corrected HTML document.