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If we have an array a, say of length 1, one might expect a.clone() to be equally fast or perhaps even faster than the equivalent Arrays.copyOf(a, 1) or Object[] x = new Object[1]; System.arraycopy(a, 0, x, 0, 1); but it is in fact much slower. ------------------------------------ import java.util.*; public class ArrayCopyMicroBenchmark { abstract static class Job { private final String name; Job(String name) { = name; } String name() { return name; } abstract void work() throws Throwable; } private static void collectAllGarbage() { try { for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { System.gc(); System.runFinalization(); Thread.sleep(10); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new Error(e); } } /** * Runs each job for long enough that all the runtime compilers * have had plenty of time to warm up, i.e. get around to * compiling everything worth compiling. * Returns array of average times per job per run. */ private static long[] time0(Job ... jobs) throws Throwable { final long warmupNanos = 10L * 1000L * 1000L * 1000L; long[] nanoss = new long[jobs.length]; for (int i = 0; i < jobs.length; i++) { collectAllGarbage(); long t0 = System.nanoTime(); long t; int j = 0; do { jobs[i].work(); j++; } while ((t = System.nanoTime() - t0) < warmupNanos); nanoss[i] = t/j; } return nanoss; } private static void time(Job ... jobs) throws Throwable { long[] warmup = time0(jobs); // Warm up run long[] nanoss = time0(jobs); // Real timing run final String nameHeader = "Method"; int nameWidth = nameHeader.length(); for (Job job : jobs) nameWidth = Math.max(nameWidth,; final String millisHeader = "Millis"; int millisWidth = millisHeader.length(); for (long nanos : nanoss) millisWidth = Math.max(millisWidth, String.format("%d", nanos/(1000L * 1000L)).length()); final String ratioHeader = "Ratio"; int ratioWidth = ratioHeader.length(); String format = String.format("%%-%ds %%%dd %%.3f%%n", nameWidth, millisWidth); String headerFormat = String.format("%%-%ds %%-%ds %%-%ds%%n", nameWidth, millisWidth, ratioWidth); System.out.printf(headerFormat, "Method", "Millis", "Ratio"); // Print out absolute and relative times, calibrated against first job for (int i = 0; i < jobs.length; i++) { long millis = nanoss[i]/(1000L * 1000L); double ratio = (double)nanoss[i] / (double)nanoss[0]; System.out.printf(format, jobs[i].name(), millis, ratio); } } private static int intArg(String[] args, int i, int defaultValue) { return args.length > i ? Integer.parseInt(args[i]) : defaultValue; } private static void deoptimize(Object[] a) { for (Object x : a) if (x == null) throw new Error(); } public static void main(String[] args) throws Throwable { final int iterations = intArg(args, 0, 100000); final int size = intArg(args, 1, 1000); final Object[] array = new Object[size]; final Random rnd = new Random(); for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) array[i] = rnd.nextInt(size); time( new Job("arraycopy") { void work() { Object[] a = array; for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++) { Object[] t = new Object[size]; System.arraycopy(a, 0, t, 0, size); a = t;} deoptimize(a);}}, new Job("copyOf") { void work() { Object[] a = array; for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++) a = Arrays.copyOf(a, size); deoptimize(a);}}, new Job("clone") { void work() { Object[] a = array; for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++) a = a.clone(); deoptimize(a);}}, new Job("loop") { void work() { Object[] a = array; for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++) { Object[] t = new Object[size]; for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) t[j] = a[j]; a = t;} deoptimize(a);}} ); } } ------------------------------------ solaris-sparc: $ (iterations=10000000 size=1 && for f in -client -server; do echo $f iterations=$iterations size=$size; jver 6 java $f ArrayCopyMicroBenchmark $iterations $size 1; done); -client iterations=10000000 size=1 Method Millis Ratio arraycopy 1472 1.000 copyOf 2745 1.864 clone 8451 5.739 loop 854 0.580 -server iterations=10000000 size=1 Method Millis Ratio arraycopy 853 1.000 copyOf 953 1.117 clone 8276 9.698 loop 835 0.979 solaris-i586: -client iterations=10000000 size=1 Method Millis Ratio arraycopy 642 1.000 copyOf 1106 1.723 clone 3931 6.121 loop 227 0.354 -server iterations=10000000 size=1 Method Millis Ratio arraycopy 260 1.000 copyOf 366 1.406 clone 4088 15.703 loop 246 0.947 I thought about whether it would even be possible for javac to compile a call to clone() into a call to Arrays.copyOf in the usual case where it is known at javac compile time that it is an array that is being cloned. There might be some compatibility reason why this is not possible, but I can't think of one, at least when -target is >= mustang