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The attached applet program shows 2 buttons and textfield. One button invokes a new IE window and another does a dialogue. We can specify sleep time until new widnows shows up in textfield. PROBLEM : 1. Order of IE window and Diaologue When we click "new Window" button and then "call dialog" button, IE window is displayed at top of view(foreground) and the dialogue is done at the bottom. However, considering to the order to click the buttons, we think the dialogue should be displayed on(over) IE window. HOW TO REPRODUCE : 1) specify appropriate value of sleep time in the textfield.(100 - 300[ms]) 2) click "new Window" button and then "call dialog" button 3) you can see the above mentioned PROBLEM 1. CONFIGURATION : JRE : 5.0u6 OS : WindowsXP (Japanese, SP1) MPU : Pentium IV 1.4[GHz] MEM : 384[MB]