The GlobalSuite testcase font-render/swing/three/ fails on Windows Vista x64 (build: beta2 5308). It worked fine on Windows Vista 32bit (build: beta1) and other platforms.
The test case window should contain menu and some buttons but an just near empty window is displayed. I have tried to create a simple demo application but I can not reproduce the behaviour. See attached screenshot.
step to reporoduce:
- download gs16-b09.tar.gz from /net/sqe1.sfbay/quality2/i18n/workspaces/i18n_mustang_ws/i18n/bundles/b09
- install amd64 bundle of mustang
- export JAVA_HOME=<java home>
- cd i18n_mustang_ws/i18n/src/GS
- run 'sh font-render/swing/three/