Reloading multiple applets continously causes IE to hang.
Details for the Bug:
1. Browser: IE6.0
2. OS: Windows XP/Windows 2000
To reproduce this bug, have a page having multiple applets and try to reload several times. You will witness a hung IE browser with in minutes. The thread dump seems to suggest the plugin is waiting for the disposal of previouslt loaded applets. Bug is also reproducible in Tiger.
This bug is specific about a hang scenario that the plugin main thread is waiting for a native platform signal that never arrives. The signal is supposed to set when the Java level embedded frame is closed.
The main thread is responsible to create and close the activeX components in IE browser. Blocking main thread causes the browser window unresponsive.
The right synchronization has to be implemented to make sure the main thread is signaled before the applet's thread group is disposed.