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I'm working on a web UI component that accepts calendar data. The component consists of (among other things) a textfield below which is supposed to be a localized hint representing the expected format of the date input, e.g. dd/mm/yyyy. The component uses a java.text.SimpleDateFormat internally, and I would like to use the toLocalizedPattern() method (and toLowerCase()) to produce a default hint. By default I do not set the pattern to use, as SimpleDateFormat pattern will pick one that is appropriate for the locale. However, when I use toLocalizedPattern() method, I only appear to get a truly localized string for German ( . For other languages I tried, including Swedish, French and Asian languages) I get the same result as I would with toPattern(), that is, it is technically appropriate for the locale, but the representation is made up by strings that are only intelligible in English. FWIW, I am Swedish and have also lived in France. In neither of those countries do I remember having filled in a form where the suggested date format was represented to me using English letters. Using Google to search on Swedish pages I get twice as many hits for ��������-mm-dd as for yyyy-mm-dd (and if the first hits are representative, many of the yyyy-mm-dd are used in JavaScript code). For French I get more than four times as many hits for aaaa-mm-jj as for yyyy-mm-dd.