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The JNI spec. seems to be inaccuratate and is leading to some confusion in the field. JNI spec..... http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.3/docs/guide/jni/spec/design.doc.html#770 "Exception Handling There are two ways to handle an exception in native code: * The native method can choose to return immediately, causing the exception to be thrown in the Java code that initiated the native method call. * The native code can clear the exception by calling ExceptionClear(), and then execute its own exception-handling code. After an exception has been raised, the native code must first clear the exception before making other JNI calls. When there is a pending exception, the only JNI functions that are safe to call are ExceptionOccurred(), ExceptionDescribe(), and ExceptionClear(). The ExceptionDescribe() function prints a debugging message about the pending exception." There has been discussions about this matter, and depends on the VM implementation, but we should follow the JNI spec. *** (#3 of 5): 2005-12-14 15:26:07 PST ###@###.### Please see http://java.sun.com/docs/books/jni/html/design.html#2193. The spec quoted in the previous evaluation comment is incorrect and should be fixed. The attached files Test7.java and Test7.c illustrate why. For example, in Test7.c for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { (*env)->CallVoidMethod(env, obj, jm, s, i); if ((*env)->ExceptionCheck(env)) { (*env)->MonitorExit(env, jc); return; } } failing to call MonitorExit in the exception case hangs the application; the second thread in Test7.java never gets to run. However, including the MonitorExit call thwarts the exception handler of the first thread in Test7.java. *** (#4 of 5): 2005-12-14 17:08:01 PST ###@###.### See test case Test7.* in CR: 6361259