(modification: added JCK build info)
JCK 6.0 b10 test /api/java_lang/instrument/Instrumentation/index.html#Instrumentation causes VM crush if java is invoked with -server option. If java runs without this option test passes.
Bug is always reproducable with JCK 6.0 since b09 and jdk 6.0 since b51 and was checked on solaris, red hat and windows platforms
Steps to reproduce:
replace all /set/stt/... in attached "intr" file to your local paths
do "chmod 777 intr" if necessary
run it
Output will be like this:
Instrumentation001: Passed. Testing result passed to test
Instrumentation002: Passed. Testing result passed to test
Instrumentation003: Passed. Testing result passed to test
Instrumentation004: Passed. Testing result passed to test
Instrumentation005: Passed. Testing result passed to test
Instrumentation006: Passed. Testing result passed to test
Instrumentation007: Passed. Testing result passed to test
Instrumentation019: Passed. Testing result passed to test
Instrumentation020: Passed. Testing result passed to test
Instrumentation021: Passed. Testing result passed to test
Instrumentation022: Passed. Testing result passed to test
Instrumentation023: Passed. Testing result passed to test
Instrumentation024: Passed. Testing result passed to test
Instrumentation025: Passed. Testing result passed to test
Instrumentation026: Passed. Testing result passed to test
Instrumentation027: Passed. Testing result passed to test
Instrumentation028: Passed. Testing result passed to test
Instrumentation029: Passed. Testing result passed to test
Instrumentation030: Passed. Testing result passed to test
Instrumentation031: Passed. Testing result passed to test
Instrumentation032: Passed. Testing result passed to test
Instrumentation040: Passed. Testing result passed to test
Instrumentation041: Passed. Testing result passed to test
Instrumentation042: Passed. Testing result passed to test
Instrumentation043: Passed. Testing result passed to test
Instrumentation044: Passed. Testing result passed to test
Instrumentation045: Passed. Testing result passed to test
Instrumentation046: Passed. Testing result passed to test
Instrumentation047: Passed. Testing result passed to test
Instrumentation048: Passed. Tranformer is registered
Instrumentation049: Passed. Tranformer is registered
Instrumentation050: Passed. Testing result passed to test
Instrumentation100: Passed. Testing result passed to test
# An unexpected error has been detected by HotSpot Virtual Machine:
# Internal Error (455843455054494F4E530E435050011F), pid=1460, tid=1
# Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM (1.6.0-ea-b51 compiled mode)
# An error report file with more information is saved as hs_err_pid1460.log
# If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:
# http://java.sun.com/webapps/bugreport/crash.jsp
Abort - core dumped
I've increased priority of this bug because it is conformance bug and also it is marked as beta-stopper.