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The changes for 6280693: Mmap the whole jar files takes too much perceived footprint have caused failures on Solaris when an interrupted thread uses the java.util.zip API. The following program: --------------------------------------------------------------- import java.util.zip.*; public class InterruptibleZip { private static String rtJar() { String bcp = System.getProperty("sun.boot.class.path"); for (String jar : bcp.split("[;:]")) if (jar.endsWith("rt.jar")) return jar; throw new Error("Can't find rt.jar"); } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { ZipFile zf = new ZipFile(rtJar()); Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); ZipEntry ze = zf.getEntry("java/lang/Object.class"); System.out.println("interrupted="+Thread.interrupted()); System.out.println(ze.getName()); } } --------------------------------------------------------------- results in ...b45/binaries/solaris-sparc/jre/lib/rt.jar: error reading zip file Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: java/util/zip/ZipEntry