I am popping up a Frame and a Dialog where Frame is the parent of the dialog. On Solaris9 (CDE as well as GNOME), when running with XTookit, the dialog shows 'minimize' and 'maximize' buttons just like a frame. It's hard to differentiate a dialog from the frame. Dialogs should not be minimizable or maximizable.
This is reproducible only on Solaris9 (CDE as well as GNOME) with XToolkit on the following PIT build:
java version "1.6.0-internal"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.6.0-internal-df153228_27_Jan_2005_05_10)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.6.0-ea-b20, mixed mode)
This is not reproducible on Mustang-b22 with XToolkit. Hence this is a PIT failure. This is not reproducible on Linux / Win32.
I have attached a sample test. Execute the sample test on Solaris9 (CDE) / GNOME. You would see a frame, dialog and a window. If you see 'maximize' and 'minimize' options for the dialog, the bug is reproduced.
###@###.### 2005-2-07 14:23:52 GMT