JDK-6211296 : Launch installer error FAQ webpage if installer fails
  • Type: Enhancement
  • Component: install
  • Sub-Component: install
  • Affected Version: 6
  • Priority: P3
  • Status: Closed
  • Resolution: Fixed
  • OS: generic,windows_vista
  • CPU: generic,x86
  • Submitted: 2004-12-21
  • Updated: 2012-03-23
  • Resolved: 2011-02-16
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6u2Fixed 7 b13Fixed
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If a user encounters an error, such as 1722, with our installer, we basically leave them hanging (not literally) with no idea what to do.  It might be a good idea if our iftw.exe detects if msi had an error, and it would then launch the default browser to the installer FAQ.  Even better, if our iftw.exe detects which error, it might be able to go directly to the relevant section in FAQ.
###@###.### 2004-12-21 17:13:55 GMT

This is a good idea. The installer point to a help page on java.com. Java.com help pages are localized so this is another benefit that we're delivering to consumers.
###@###.### 2005-04-27 22:41:55 GMT

EVALUATION confirmed dialog appears when fails, used custom dialog and pointed and illegal location to install.

EVALUATION Here are some comments on the attachments from our UE person ###@###.###: I agree with you that some modifications need to be done in the last screen when installer fails. It's really bad user experience when installer fails and we're showing "Installation Completed" message. In case the user doesn't read the information below the message, she might suppose that the JRE is installed. So instead of showing the "Installation Complete" message we should show "Installation Failed" message. About the check box. It's also good idea to have something like this in the installer, however I have couple of comments. 1. I don't think that it's necessary to show the whole link - it's enough to show "Show Java Help" label only. 2. I'm assuming that selecting the "Show Java Help" check box and pressing the Finish button in the last screen will start the browser with the relevant page (it would be great to scroll to the section where an error, which happened during the installation, is described). In addition to that, I think that this solution works well for on-line users, but what about off-line users? I think that in case we detect that the user is off-line we should start browser with some off-line document (at the end of the doc we might state something like "For more details please visit <link>". About the "Show Java Help" check box in the error dialogs. I think it's not necessary to have that check box there. It would be enough to add "Help" button, that would open the relevant document in the browser, to that dialog.

EVALUATION I've added 2 attachments, that were created by Pardeep.

EVALUATION If the user gets a general error, it goes to this dialog: http://j2se.east/~billyh/error.JPG I think this dialog could use some improvement anyways. It should really specifically say that the installer failed, rather than "Installation Completed". Anyways, in addition to improving this dailog, I'm thinking we could have some sort of checkbox to launch IE with the FAQ url. It would look something like this dialog. http://j2se.east/~billyh/rebootue/finishafter.JPG