Customer's Java application is silently exiting (crashing) with the following error in the GC logs:
Exception java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: requested 16384000 bytes for GrET*
leArray.cpp. Out of swap space?
The last few lines of a GC log look like:
310699.430: [ParNew 607490K->545850K(989600K), 0.0159794 secs]
310717.674: [ParNew 607542K->545964K(989600K), 0.0164997 secs]
310750.552: [Full GC 569453K->547638K(989600K), 6.9573254 secs]
The JVM flags in use are:
-Xrs -Xmx1570M -XX:+UseParNewGC
The system was found to have sufficient memory/swap at the time of this problem.