JDK-5053242 : In "Reinstall Removed JNLP Application" the default focus is not in table.
  • Type: Bug
  • Component: client-libs
  • Sub-Component: javax.swing
  • Affected Version: 5.0
  • Priority: P3
  • Status: Closed
  • Resolution: Cannot Reproduce
  • OS: solaris_9
  • CPU: sparc
  • Submitted: 2004-05-26
  • Updated: 2006-06-30
  • Resolved: 2006-06-30
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Bug Description:
In "Reinstall Removed JNLP Application" window the default focus should be in table but the focus is in "Close" button,but in windows the default focus is in tabel,this bug is reproducible in Solaris_9 GNOME.

java version "1.5.0-beta2"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.5.0-beta2-b51)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.5.0-beta2-b51, mixed mode, sharing)

CPU Type             sparcv9+vis
App Architecture     sparc
Kernel Architecture  sun4u
Kernel Bit Size      64
OS Name              SunOS
OS Version           5.9
Host Name            client20
Host Aliases         loghost
Host Address(es)

Steps to reproduce:
1. Install jre1.5.0 b51 in testing solaris_9 machine booted in GNOME.
2. Import notepad.jnlp ( javaws -import http://java.sun.com/products/javawebstart/apps/notepad.jnlp)
3. Invoke javaws (javaws) from command line
4. Select the notepad application and click "Remove Selected Application" button
5. Click "Reinstall" Menu item from Edit menu

Look for the default focus the default focus should be in table but the focus is in "Close" button,try the same steps in WindowXP Home the default focus will be in table not in "Close" button.

###@###.### 2004-05-26

EVALUATION I did some investigation of the cause why this problem disappeared in b67. The reason is the fix to 5028014. Actually, the first time it was integrated into b58, then rolled back in b62, then again brought back to Mustang in b67. Reproducibility of the problem in question carefully follows this "curve" (i.e. it hides in b58 and rises in b62 up to b67). I tried to remove the fix to 5028014 from b67, to make sure, and the problem appeared. But to my surprise removing the fix from the current Mustang build does nothing. Further investigation revealed another fix that affected the problem. It's the fix to 6382750, integrated into b79. Removing that fix along with the fix to 5028014 brings the problem back. Well, this is relevant in the light of the fact that the fix to 5028014 is going to be rolled back ones again in the nearest Mustang build... Summarazing, the problem gets fixed by either of the fixes to 5028014, or to 6382750. Closing it as no longer reproducible.

EVALUATION No longer reproducible on Windows since mustang b67.

EVALUATION Actually the default focus should be on the close button, as this is a JOptionPane with pane.initialValue set to close. same behavior can be shown in the attached SimpleTableDemo. default focus on windows is on the table, on unix default focus is on the "close" button. transferring to swing ###@###.### 2004-05-26 Name: sh120115 Date: 05/31/2004 The difference in behavior between Solaris and Windows suggests an underlying problem in AWT focus. But we should have at least a quick look at this first. ###@###.### 2004-05-31 ====================================================================== Name: pzR10082 Date: 06/01/2004 When the dialog is shown, JTable is focused by default. Then JOptionPane tries to focus its initial component, which in this test is the Close button. On both Windows and Linux, the order of calls is the same: first requestFocus() is called on the table, then on the button. On Windows however, the button does not always get focus. This is actually timing dependent. ###@###.### ====================================================================== After investigation cause of the problem seems to be on the AWT side during running of the attached test we do requestFocus() two times, but on Windows focus changes three times for some reason transferring to AWT ###@###.### 2005-03-10 11:42:39 GMT