Attached Java IM is expected to switch composition mode each time the CTRL+space is hit. The switching is between alphabet and Chinese modes. This works fine with ja_JP.eucJP locale. But under ja_JP.UTF-8 locale, switching will be within three modes, i.e. alphabet, Chinese, and ATOK modes. This behavior is not expected.
Platform Solaris10
JDK tiger beta2 b51
Locale ja_JP.UTF-8
To reproduce,
1. Place attached Wubi.jar in jdk1.5.0/jre/lib/ext.
2. Use the attached SetSelectionKey.jar and assign any key for selecting IMs.
3. Launch Notepad demo in sdk.
4. Select host IM then enter any Japanese string.
5. Select Test IM. Try changing mode (CTRL+space) and inputting string several times then you'll see the problem.