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Running Java2Demo with OGL pipeline enabled on WinXP and Radeon 9800XT Graphics card is not displaying application demos properly. - The individual demo panels are drawn in very stretched and unusual sizes. The demos then become very distorted but seem to still be running as you can see animation going on (no exceptions are thrown). - This problem occurs right at launch even with the credits screen. - If the main application window is reduced in size it the problem goes away and the demos are redrawn at proper size and scale. Increasing the size of the main application window makes no difference though (the bug still persists). - Bug was found in 2D Tiger Nightly PIT Build: "2d-jcg-win-01-2004-04-14.tiger" - Previously this bug was not observed due to blocking bug 5026756 - These errors are not seen when running with NVIDIA drivers (or when running without OGL pipline).