JDK-4890722 : compile time increases exponentially when extending from many interfaces
  • Type: Bug
  • Component: tools
  • Sub-Component: javac
  • Affected Version: 1.4.2
  • Priority: P4
  • Status: Closed
  • Resolution: Duplicate
  • OS: windows_2000
  • CPU: x86
  • Submitted: 2003-07-15
  • Updated: 2003-07-15
  • Resolved: 2003-07-15
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Name: rmT116609			Date: 07/15/2003

java version "1.4.2"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.4.2-b28)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.4.2-b28, mixed mode)

Microsoft Windows 2000 [Version 5.00.2195]

P4 1800 1Gmem

When an interface extends from many other interfaces the javac compiler will take very long to compile. I tested several versions of the JDK with a certain set of files. These are the compile times:

  j2sdk1.4.0_04   5204 ms
  j2sdk1.4.1_02  13703 ms
  j2sdk1.4.1_03  13954 ms
  j2sdk1.4.2     15641 ms

When the number of extending interfaces is increased the compile time increases exponentially (or at least much worse then linear).

You may argue that so many extending interfaces is not a real life example, but our product generates java source files that use such constructs. We encounter unexceptable build times that are 2-3 times slower then with 1.4.0.

It is interesting that running the compiler under -verbose shows that the '[checking ...]' phase is the culprit.

The above numbers were gathered with a plain invocation of javac with 100m heap size. There were 2 packages: one with 120 interfaces with 10 methods each and one with 120 interfaces that extend all 120 interfaces from the first package and define 10 additional methods.

I have build a testset-generator that will generate and compile the above testset in all sorts of combinations. I am more then happy to supply this generator if that would help (just mail me).

I used the generator to generates the following table of compile times (in ms):

#interfaces     1.4.1_02        1.4.2
        1.4.0           1.4.1_03
20      1156    1313    1109    1140
21      1234    1125    1141    1141
22      1266    1140    1203    1203
23      1250    1188    1203    1250
24      1266    1172    1171    1250
25      1297    1235    1375    1250
26      1328    1187    1297    1453
27      1781    1594    1453    1375
28      1375    1422    1344    1563
29      1500    6453    1766    1453
30      1625    1406    1765    1844
31      1984    1344    1375    1500
32      1828    1735    2125    1703
33      1469    1453    1468    1500
34      1515    1438    1516    1609
35      1766    1453    1516    1610
36      1579    1688    1546    1875
37      1593    1594    1625    1859
38      1687    1844    2000    1968
39      2047    2156    2282    2438
40      2797    2578    2093    2000
41      1875    2016    1890    2156
42      1797    1797    1859    2016
43      1797    1891    2093    2078
44      1813    1968    2157    2219
45      1828    2078    1984    3016
46      2203    2500    2422    2672
47      2297    2282    2140    2547
48      2079    2250    2219    2578
49      2031    2219    2844    2531
50      2172    2407    2375    2515
51      2094    2359    2484    2735
52      2281    2594    2938    2812
53      2219    2625    2625    2781
54      2204    2594    2719    2937
55      2218    2781    2891    2953
56      2188    2766    2875    3047
57      2422    2953    3000    3125
58      2312    2906    3078    3234
59      2407    3156    3547    3969
60      2297    3141    3438    3407
61      2266    3141    3032    3328
62      2532    3312    3203    3656
63      2422    3500    3672    3453
64      2391    3266    3515    4329
65      2546    3766    4281    4156
66      2985    3547    3859    3968
67      2500    3672    3953    4157
68      2609    4172    3750    4109
69      2625    4219    3922    4219
70      2578    4281    4172    4656
71      3297    5281    4390    5015
72      3547    4562    5375    6312
73      3562    4422    4375    5265
74      2782    4641    4907    5484
75      2813    4672    4813    5234
76      3531    4781    4828    6094
77      3250    4844    4860    5422
78      3015    4953    5047    6703
79      3204    5485    5219    6078
80      3594    5437    5547    6125
81      3891    5437    6093    6140
82      3031    5672    5907    6640
83      3203    6000    5688    7469
84      3782    6938    6015    6907
85      3563    7860    6703    7062
86      3359    6172    6343    8500
87      3438    6485    6329    7156
88      3797    6609    6656    7640
89      3515    6594    6656    7547
90      3453    7000    7203    7641
91      3766    7031    7016    8500
92      3813    7156    7250    8313
93      3641    7672    7688    8688
94      3750    7672    7578    9250
95      3891    7938    7687    8829
96      4375    8250    8235    9297
97      4031    8516    8594    9562
98      4156    8343    8532    9578
99      4031    9343    8828    9906
100     4266    9281    9422    10063
101     4437    9469    9437    10609
102     4282    9829    9500    10937
103     4375    9797    9579    11000
104     4360    10047   10453   11328
105     4563    11031   10234   11750
106     4953    10593   10218   11562
107     4937    10922   10625   12109
108     4672    10734   11079   12578
109     5172    10890   11031   12359
110     4953    11328   11047   12906
111     4484    11484   11687   13094
112     4734    12093   12062   13109
113     4828    12359   11718   14204
114     5141    12470   12235   13626
115     4923    12970   14126   14016
116     5157    12563   12625   14313
117     5265    12735   13344   15282
118     5407    13126   13297   15516
119     5359    13672   13251   15251
120     5204    13703   13954   15641
121     5484    13875   13688   17266
122     5485    14969   14423   17016
123     5923    14688   14719   16673
124     6828    14750   15078   17219
125     5719    15875   15938   17313
126     5938    15688   15282   17875
127     5891    16266   16203   18469
128     6204    15985   16344   18797
129     6015    17469   16657   19329
130     5843    16704   16688   19282
131     5953    16984   17376   20094
132     6828    18375   22000   22734
133     6656    43313   18344   20953
134     6688    19515   18375   21860
135     6953    19422   19156   21828
136     6672    19438   19469   22891
137     8656    20375   19594   22609
138     6688    20984   20110   22953
139     7359    20563   20969   24703

When you graph these numbers you can see the exponential behaviour.

As described above: compile a testset with 1.4.0 compiler and with 1.4.2 compiler and compare time used.

The 1.4.0 and 1.4.2 compiler should show compile times that are equivalent or the 1.4.2 compiler should have improved behaviour.
The 1.4.0 compiler shows linear behaviour while the 1.4.2 compiler shows exponential behaviour

This bug can be reproduced always.

---------- BEGIN SOURCE ----------
The complete testset would be too large.

Ad-hoc testset description:

 in Package a (containing a total of 120 files):
   interface xyzzy_$i {         <FOR $i = 0 TO 120>
     void xyzzy_$i_method_$j(); <FOR $j = j TO 10>

 in Package b (containing a total of 120 files):
   interface xyzzy_$i extends    <FOR $i = 0 TO 120>
         a.xyzzy_$k {            <FOR $k = 0 TO 120>
     void plugh_$i_method_$j();  <FOR $j = j TO 10>

---------- END SOURCE ----------
(Incident Review ID: 189487) 