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I am creating a buffered image of one of the following types and rendering a jpeg image to it's graphics context. TYPE_3BYTE_BGR TYPE_4BYTE_ABGR TYPE_4BYTE_ABGR_PRE I am creating a RescaleOp instance with a scale factor and an offset that are dynamically specified by the user and filtering the above buffered image using RescaleOp.filter() method. I am rendering back the output buffered image to a frame. When the buffered image is one of the above types, VM crashes at the time of filtering the source image when the scale factor and offset exceeds certain value. This is reproducible on Solaris as well as Windows right from JDK1.4+. I noticed this VM crash on JDK1.3 also for TYPE_3BYTE_BGR buffered image type, though i am not able to reproduce this on 1.3 consistantly. I have attached a sample code. Execute the sample code. Choose the buffered image type you would like to test. The unconverted buffered image will be rendered on the screen. Move the scroll bar to choose values for Scale Factor and offset and check whether the image rendered is getting changed accordingly. Choose the above mentioned buffered image types and choose the values by moving the scroll bar. You will get the VM crash. Scale Factor and Offset values are printed in the console. I have also attached the image used by this application alongwith the VM crash log file. ============================================================================= This is reproducible right from JDK1.2.2. On JDK1.3, I am able to reproduce this for TYPE_3BYTE_BGR. (Solaris as well as win32) ###@###.### 2003-07-04 ============================================================================