JDK-4776437 : Webstart throws error when using jre 1.4 when loading the second time
  • Type: Bug
  • Component: deploy
  • Sub-Component: webstart
  • Affected Version: unknown
  • Priority: P2
  • Status: Closed
  • Resolution: Duplicate
  • OS: solaris_8
  • CPU: generic
  • Submitted: 2002-11-08
  • Updated: 2002-12-06
  • Resolved: 2002-12-06
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Probelm Description:
Using Java Web start and when using 1.3
 do not have any problems but when using 1.4 it 
works fine for the first time as all the necessary jar files
are getting downloaded to the machine, but when trying to 
execute it second time it throws an error saying

Java Web Start 1.2 Console, started Thu Nov 07 14:37:11 EST 2002
Java 2 Runtime Environment: Version 1.4.1_01 by Sun Microsystems Inc.
javax.xml.soap.SOAPException: Unable to create SOAP connection factory: Provider com.sun.xml.messaging.saaj.client.p2p.HttpSOAPConnectionFactory not found
at javax.xml.soap.SOAPConnectionFactory.newInstance(Unknown Source)
at com.tepin.st.conn.Connection.<clinit>(Connection.java:232)
at com.tepin.st.client.SOAPEventProcessor.<init>(SOAPEventProcessor.java:110)
at com.fmrco.gett.fdr.gui.LoginDialog$1.actionPerformed(LoginDialog.java:246)
at javax.swing.AbstractButton.fireActionPerformed(Unknown Source)

We are currently using Java 1.3.1_02 on the server side and 1.4.0 on the client side.  
The following problem is related to the client side:
It happens with any 1.4 JRE and later.

Test case file is available at

the file name is jnlp.tar.gz, Install Tomcat 4.0.6 on a machine and
extract the tar.gz file under webapps directory.
You have to modify the conf/web.xml and also this particular
applications xml file to include the following lines

You are all set with the application. Now install webstart on your local
machine and try accessing the file with the following link

I did get it to work (as a hack) by including the following files in my JRE lib/ext directory:
If any one of these files isn't present, the app won't work.  The exception is when the cache is cleared out and you launch again to reinstall the jars. Apparently the classpath that is used is different than when run the 2nd and later times.

EVALUATION ###@###.### 2002-12-05 The bug description indicates that this is a java web start bug. Transfer to that category for further evaluation. I hosted the application on: http://javaweb.sfbay/~ngthomas/soap/webstart/ I tried to launch it with JRE 1.4.1_01 and JWS 1.2.0_01. I can always launch the application as many times as I want. Looking at your stack trace, do I need to login to reproduce the problem? what's the username and password? right now if I tried to login, it said: Certificate couldn't be found in c:\winnt\profiles\ngthomas. how do I get rid of that? ###@###.### 2002-12-05 ###@###.### suggested that this is a duplicate of 4754763. Also he cannot reproduce the problem with 1.4.2. ###@###.### 2002-12-06