The performance of URLEncoder 1.4.X is slower than 1.3.1.
1. Reproduce
1) setenv LANG C
2) Compile the attached sample code and Invoke "java TestURLEncode".
2. Result
The followings are my result.(Unit is [msec])
| Solaris6 | Solaris7 |
1.3.1_04 | 662 | 2833 |
1.4.0_01 | 3591 | 8433 |
1.4.1 | 1936 | 8196 |
Solaris6 : Solaris2.6, Ultra80, UltraSparcII 450MHz
Solaris7 : Solaris2.7, Ultra-60,UltraSparcII 296MHz
The 1.4.X is about 3 times comparing with 1.3.1_04.
This is serious and licensee is under severe situation.
3. Note
The licensee looked into the 1.4.0 source code and sent their comment.
Please evaluate it in the comment section also.