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JDK will allow a full-path of LESS THAN 260 bytes (not characters, bytes) only. Anything longer and an Exception is thrown. From Windows Native Code's "open()" function. Attempted File: C:/ias7/domains/domain1/server1/applications/j2eeapps/ArrayApp_1/ArrayService_War_war/ ArrayServiceServantInterface_ArrayTest_getArrayMixedPrimitiveAndComposite_ResponseStruct_SOAPSerializer.class Mon Sep 23 12:32:10 MDT 2002 bn80925 Mon Sep 23 12:34:49 MDT 2002 bn80925 Note that in the studio installation this is a little worse because the s1as7 installation is in: c:/sun/studio/appserver7/domains/... Also related is that the studio user directory is another place these files end up, which is in c:/documents and settings/Joe User/studio5_se_user/... But by far the longest component to these names are the jwsdp generated names. ###@###.### 2004-04-06