When using the server VM of 1.4.0_01, the appserver 7 process suddenly goes into an infinite loop and its memory grows on and on. This behaviour occurs on both Win2k as well as Solaris. pstack analysis showed the following lwp as the possible source of the memory leak.
java version "1.4.0_01"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.4.0_01-b03)
Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM (build 1.4.0_01-b03, mixed mode)
----------------- lwp# 20 / thread# 20 --------------------
fdd4ce70 ciTypeFlow::Block*ciTypeFlow::Range::get_block_for(ciTypeFlow::JsrSet*,ciTypeFlow::CreateOption) (54d868, 5faf9c, 0, 0, 0, 0) + c0
fdd5d58c GrowableArray<ciTypeFlow::Block*>*ciTypeFlow::Block::successors(ciByteCodeStream*,ciTypeFlow::StateVector*,ciTypeFlow::JsrSet*) (29aab2c, f13fef60, 5faf84, 5faf9c, 220, 8a) + 3a8
fdd5cf64 void ciTypeFlow::flow_block(ciTypeFlow::Block*,ciTypeFlow::StateVector*,ciTypeFlow::JsrSet*) (3adb98, 36e1ab0, 1, 174d, 29aab2c, 0) + 840
fddb75c8 void ciTypeFlow::flow_types() (3adb98, fe251400, 0, 26553c, 38, 4d4394) + 314
fddb81c4 void ciTypeFlow::do_flow() (3adb98, f13ffd58, 3a92d0, ffffffff, b1, 3a9844) + c
fdd93d50 ciTypeFlow*ciMethod::get_flow_analysis() (3a92d0, 3871a0, 20, 40, fe1d4000, 4d40e0) + dc
fdd97fd4 Parse::Parse #Nvariant 1(JVMState*,ciMethod*,float) (f13ff194, 3871a0, 3a92d0, 41700000, fe1d4000, 387209) + 138
fdd986dc JVMState*ParseGenerator::generate(JVMState*) (5faf74, 3871a0, 160, 4d4370, f13ff504, 0) + 98
fde2a680 Compile::Compile #Nvariant 1(ciEnv*,ciScope*,ciMethod*,int,int,int,int) (5faf74, 6de98c, 0, 3a92d0, ffffffff, 1) + 8e4
fde24c20 void C2Compiler::compile_method(ciEnv*,ciScope*,ciMethod*,int,int,int) (aae30, f13ffd58, 0, 3a92d0, ffffffff, 0) + 5c
fde2567c void CompileBroker::invoke_compiler_on_method(CompileTask*) (c0, 0, ffffffff, fe1e2edc, fe20095c, 2a7728) + 660
fdefd114 void CompileBroker::compiler_thread_loop() (2a6a18, 2a6a18, 8a278, 2a6f78, 343048, fde9165c) + 344
fde91684 void JavaThread::run() (2a6a18, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) + 278
fde86fb4 _start (2a6a18, f1400000, 0, 0, 0, 0) + 20
fe8605fc _lwp_start (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)