JDK-4645692 : solveCubic() does not return ALL solutions
  • Type: Bug
  • Component: client-libs
  • Sub-Component: 2d
  • Affected Version: 1.3.0,1.4.0
  • Priority: P4
  • Status: Closed
  • Resolution: Fixed
  • OS: solaris_8,windows_98,windows_2000
  • CPU: x86,sparc
  • Submitted: 2002-03-01
  • Updated: 2011-02-16
  • Resolved: 2011-03-08
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Name: gm110360			Date: 03/01/2002

java version "1.4.0-rc"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.4.
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.4.0-rc-b91, mixed mode)

Microsoft Windows 2000 [Version 5.00.2195]

The method CubicCurve2D.cubicSolve() in java.awt.geom does
not find ALL real roots of a cubic equation.
For example: x^3 + x^2 = 0 has the two solutions 0 and -1,
but cubicSolve() only finds -1.

1. use method CubicCurve2D.solveCubic()
(see my code example)

As stated above, cubicSolve() should return ALL real
solutions in any situation.

No Errors or Exceptions are thrown.

This bug can be reproduced always.

---------- BEGIN SOURCE ----------
class SolveCubicBug {
    public static void main (String args[]) {
        double [] eqn = {0,0,1,1};
        double [] res = new double[3];

        // JDK function
        int num = java.awt.geom.CubicCurve2D.solveCubic(eqn, res);
        System.out.println("solveCubic() says:");
        System.out.println("The cubic equation " +
            eqn[3] + " x^3 + " +
            eqn[2] + " x^2 + " +
            eqn[1] + " x + " +
            eqn[0] + " = 0 has " + num + " root(s):");
        for(int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
            System.out.println("x" + (i+1) + " = " + res[i]);
        // my function
        num = mySolveCubic(eqn, res);
        System.out.println("\nmySolveCubic() says:");
        System.out.println("The cubic equation " +
            eqn[3] + " x^3 + " +
            eqn[2] + " x^2 + " +
            eqn[1] + " x + " +
            eqn[0] + " = 0 has " + num + " root(s):");
        for(int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
            System.out.println("x" + (i+1) + " = " + res[i]);
    public static int mySolveCubic(double eqn[], double res[]) {
    // From Numerical Recipes, 5.6, Quadratic and Cubic Equations
    // case discriminant == 0 added by Markus Hohenwarter, 20.1.2002
        double d = eqn[3];
        if (d == 0.0) {
        // The cubic has degenerated to quadratic (or line or ...).
        // CHANGE:
        //  replace "return java.awt.geom.QuadCurve2D.solveQuadratic(eqn, res);"
        //  by      "return solveQuadratic(eqn, res);"
            return java.awt.geom.QuadCurve2D.solveQuadratic(eqn, res);
        double a = eqn[2] / d;
        double b = eqn[1] / d;
        double c = eqn[0] / d;
        int roots = 0;
        double Q = (a * a - 3.0 * b) / 9.0;
        double R = (2.0 * a * a * a - 9.0 * a * b + 27.0 * c) / 54.0;
        double R2 = R * R;
        double Q3 = Q * Q * Q;
        double discriminant = R2 - Q3;
        a = a / 3.0;

        if (discriminant == 0.0) {
            if (Q == 0.0) {
                // one real solution
                res[roots++] = -a;
            } else {
                // two real solutions
                Q = Math.sqrt(Q);
                res[roots++] = -2.0 * Q - a;
                res[roots++] = Q - a;
        } else {
            if (R2 < Q3) { // => Q3 > 0.0
                double theta = Math.acos(R / Math.sqrt(Q3));
                Q = -2.0 * Math.sqrt(Q);
                if (res == eqn) {
                // Copy the eqn so that we don't clobber it with the
                // roots.  This is needed so that fixRoots can do its
                // work with the original equation.
                eqn = new double[4];
                System.arraycopy(res, 0, eqn, 0, 4);
                res[roots++] = Q * Math.cos(theta / 3.0) - a;
                res[roots++] = Q * Math.cos((theta - Math.PI * 2.0)/ 3.0) - a;
                res[roots++] = Q * Math.cos((theta + Math.PI * 2.0)/ 3.0) - a;
                // CHANGE: "fixRoots(res, eqn);" should be invoked now
            } else {
                boolean neg = (R < 0.0);
                double S = Math.sqrt(discriminant);
                if (neg) {
                    R = -R;
                double A = Math.pow(R + S, 1.0 / 3.0);
                if (!neg) {
                    A = -A;
                double B = (A == 0.0) ? 0.0 : (Q / A);
                res[roots++] = (A + B) - a;
        return roots;

---------- END SOURCE ----------

Reason of the problem: The Java implementation does not
deal with an important special case:
For R^2 == Q^3 = 0 there is only one real solution (this
one is found correctly by cubicSolve()).
For R^2 == Q^3 != 0 there are TWO different real solutions,
but cubicSolve() only finds one of them. Here the two
complex conjugate solutions become one real solution. The
Numerical Recipes (5.6) say that there is only one real
solution in the case of R^2 >= Q^3. This is wrong, as there
are two for R^2 == Q^3 != 0 because the complex conjugates
become real.

Solution to the problem:
Include the special case R^2 == Q^3. The repaired code is
in the source code field above (see function mySolveCubic
(Review ID: 139073) 

EVALUATION java.awt.geom belongs to 2D. ###@###.### 2002-03-01 It would appear that more work needs to be done for these cases. First, the solution given in the description is missing one small fix. After the line "Q = Math.sqrt(Q)" we should negate the value of Q if the original R was non-negative. Second, this solution does not detect all of the 2 root cases due to rounding error in the calculation. A strict (R2 == Q3) comparison is likely to be off by a few bits in most circumstances. A relaxed comparison that looks for R2 being "near" Q3 needs to be created and then the roots probably need to be verified in case a mistaken assumption was made. This method should probably be rewritten to use the closed form to guess at the 3 solutions and then Newton-Raphson iterations to optimize and verify them. ###@###.### 2002-03-07