JDK-4516587 : Reg-test Drag & Drop tests are Failing
  • Type: Bug
  • Component: client-libs
  • Sub-Component: java.awt
  • Affected Version: 1.4.0
  • Priority: P2
  • Status: Closed
  • Resolution: Duplicate
  • OS: windows_2000
  • CPU: x86
  • Submitted: 2001-10-18
  • Updated: 2001-10-24
  • Resolved: 2001-10-23
Related Reports
Duplicate :  

Name: as83306			Date: 10/18/2001

Regression tests
are failing with Merlin build 83 on windows_2000, host australis. 

It looks like the drag part of the test is not reaching it's target and as a result, cannot drop. The test times out waiting for two 

 For test hardware config's, see http://sqesvr.eng/st3/jdk1.4/docs/Merlin-hw.html
#Test Results (version 2)
#Sat Oct 13 23:09:18 PDT 2001
author=###@###.### area=dnd
run=USER_SPECIFIED applet Win32DropTYMEDSelectionTest.html\r\n
title=tests that drop target requests data only in one tymed at a time in native-to-java drag-and-drop operation on Win32


end=Sat Oct 13 23:09:18 PDT 2001
execStatus=Error. test was interrupted! (timeout?)
javatestOS=Windows 2000 5.0 (x86)
sections=script_messages build compile applet
start=Sat Oct 13 23:07:15 PDT 2001
status=Error. test was interrupted! (timeout?)

JDK under test: (C:/Java/jdk14b83)
java version "1.4.0-beta3"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.4.0-beta3-b83)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.4.0-beta3-b83, mixed mode)
Timeout signalled after 120.0 seconds

command: build Win32DropTYMEDSelectionTest 
reason: Named class compiled on demand
elapsed time (seconds): 2.297
result: Passed. Compilation successful

command: compile 
reason: .class file out of date or does not exist
elapsed time (seconds): 2.282
result: Passed. Compilation successful

command: applet Win32DropTYMEDSelectionTest.html
reason: User specified action: run applet Win32DropTYMEDSelectionTest.html 
elapsed time (seconds): 120.156
result: Failed. Execution failed: Program `C:/Java/jdk14b83\bin\java' interrupted! (timed out?)

test result: Error. test was interrupted! (timeout?)

EVALUATION Name: dsR10078 Date: 10/22/2001 I reproduced the bug on WinNT with merlin b82 and b83. The bug is not reproducible on WinNT with merlin b81. The tests run a native application in a child process. The native application is to show a native window. For some reason the window is not shown, so the test fail. ###@###.### 2001-10-22 ====================================================================== Name: dsR10078 Date: 10/23/2001 Investigation shows that any native application executed with Runtime.getRuntime().exec() hangs if that application shows a window. Both regression tests run native applications with Runtime.getRuntime().exec() and they fail as the applications hang. The same problem is documented in 4514853. The problem was introduced with the fix for 4244515. Both tests pass and 4514853 is not reproducible if i back out the fix for 4244515. Both tests pass with merlin b84 as the fix was backed out in b84 to fix 4514853. ###@###.### 2001-10-23 ======================================================================