JDK-4405489 : JDK 1.3 RPM installation problem in Redhat 7.0
  • Type: Bug
  • Component: install
  • Sub-Component: install
  • Affected Version: 1.3.0
  • Priority: P2
  • Status: Closed
  • Resolution: Cannot Reproduce
  • OS: linux
  • CPU: x86
  • Submitted: 2001-01-17
  • Updated: 2001-05-29
  • Resolved: 2001-05-29
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Name: yyT116575			Date: 01/17/2001

Original synopsis: Error on Redhat 7.0  with Sun SDK 1.3

Can't get java to run!

I used your RPM to load the SUN SDK 1.3 onto a Linux Redhat 7.0 box.  After
installed the rpm if I try to run the command java or javac I get
a /usr/java/jdk1.3/bin/i386/native_threads/java error
(Review ID: 115321) 

EVALUATION Can you please provide a more detailed description of the error message? A cut and paste of the commandline and error would really help. Also, can you provide /tmp/jdkfiles... cd ${JDK} find . >& /tmp/jdkfiles This would help us to better understand what may be happening. james.melvin@East 2001-01-17 Without more information, we cannot fix this. I tried reproducing this on Redhat Linux 7.0 and I didn't come across this problem. william.harnois@East 2001-05-29 ------------------------------- (to answer several JDC questions) Some installation of Redhat 7.0/7.1 (e.g. Redhat Server installation) does not have the compatibility libstdc++ library installed. The JVM binary is built on Redhat 6.1 using gcc/egcs-2.91 and therefore has explicit dependency on libstdc++-libc6.1-1.so.2. Redhat 7.0/7.1 has gcc-2.96 and libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.3 installed by default. Note it is *not* compatible with the old libstdc++ library. To get JDK running on Redhat 7.0/7.1, one needs to install the compat-libstdc++ library. The RPM file compat-libstdc++-6.2-2.9.0.x.i386.rpm is located on the Redhat 7.0/7.1 CD-ROM. Creating symbolic link for the library file, as suggested in many JDC posts, also works because JVM does not rely on C++ features. For example, we don't use C++ exceptions at all. Therefore, JVM can work pretty safely on an incompatible libstdc++ library. But this method would cause trouble if there are other legacy C++ applications in the system that depend on certain C++ features, e.g. exceptions, as it will break the application due to the incompatibility of libstdc++. Please read bug report 4389172 for another possible work-around. You can also find the discussion about the impact on JNI if you install the compatibility libstdc++ library. hui.huang@Eng 2001-06-19