Name: jbT81659 Date: 11/06/2000
JList does not respond to SpaceBar and "Shift-SpaceBar" for making
a selection or extending the selection of JList Items as supposed to.
"Ctrl-SpaceBar" used to toggle selections without affecting previous
selections is also not functional.
To reproduce bug:
1- Go to JDK installation directory ../Demo/JFC/SwingSet2
2- do "java - jar SwingSet2.jar"
3- Choose JList demo
4- do "Ctrl-A" or "Ctrl-/" to select all JList Items
Note that all items are selected
5- Do "Ctrl-Spacebar" to toggle selections
Note there is NO response
6- Do "Shift-Spacebar" to extend selection.
Note there is NO response
7- Do Spacebar to make a selection
Note there is NO reponse