JDK-4368619 : Linux: SimpleRobotKeyTest from AWT testsuite fails
  • Type: Bug
  • Component: client-libs
  • Sub-Component: java.awt
  • Affected Version: 1.3.0
  • Priority: P3
  • Status: Closed
  • Resolution: Duplicate
  • OS: linux
  • CPU: x86
  • Submitted: 2000-09-06
  • Updated: 2001-05-13
  • Resolved: 2001-05-13
Related Reports
Duplicate :  

Name: kaC94536			Date: 09/06/2000

Test Robot/src/SimpleRobotKeyTest/SimpleRobotKeyTest.html from AWT testsuite fails
on Linux and Solaris.

Was used the following Linux version:
Red Hat Linux release 6.1 (Cartman)
Kernel 2.2.12-20 on an i686

The following JDK version was used for Solaris:
java version "1.3.0rc3"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.3.0rc3-Z)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.3.0rc3-Z, interpreted mode)

The following JDK version was used for Linux:
java version "1.3.0rc1"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.3.0rc1-b17)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.3.0rc1-b17, mixed mode)

KeyPressed not triggered for KeyCode : 35 , End
KeyReleased not triggered for KeyCode : 35 , End
Invalid KeyCode Exception was thrown when KeyPressed was done for KeyCode : 517 KeyText : Exclamation Mark
Invalid KeyCode Exception was thrown when KeyPressed was done for KeyCode : 512 KeyText : At
Invalid KeyCode Exception was thrown when KeyPressed was done for KeyCode : 520 KeyText : Number Sign
Invalid KeyCode Exception was thrown when KeyPressed was done for KeyCode : 515 KeyText : Dollar
Invalid KeyCode Exception was thrown when KeyPressed was done for KeyCode : 514 KeyText : Circumflex
Invalid KeyCode Exception was thrown when KeyPressed was done for KeyCode : 150 KeyText : Ampersand
Invalid KeyCode Exception was thrown when KeyPressed was done for KeyCode : 151 KeyText : Asterisk
Invalid KeyCode Exception was thrown when KeyPressed was done for KeyCode : 519 KeyText : Left Parenthesis
Invalid KeyCode Exception was thrown when KeyPressed was done for KeyCode : 522 KeyText : Right Parenthesis
Invalid KeyCode Exception was thrown when KeyPressed was done for KeyCode : 523 KeyText : Underscore
Invalid KeyCode Exception was thrown when KeyPressed was done for KeyCode : 521 KeyText : Plus
Invalid KeyCode Exception was thrown when KeyPressed was done for KeyCode : 161 KeyText : Left Brace
Invalid KeyCode Exception was thrown when KeyPressed was done for KeyCode : 162 KeyText : Right Brace
Invalid KeyCode Exception was thrown when KeyPressed was done for KeyCode : 513 KeyText : Colon
Invalid KeyCode Exception was thrown when KeyPressed was done for KeyCode : 152 KeyText : Double Quote
Invalid KeyCode Exception was thrown when KeyPressed was done for KeyCode : 153 KeyText : Less
Invalid KeyCode Exception was thrown when KeyPressed was done for KeyCode : 160 KeyText : Greater

	at SimpleRobotKeyTest.destroy(SimpleRobotKeyTest.java:243)
	at javasoft.sqe.javatest.regtest.AppletWrapper$AppletRunner.appletDestroy(AppletWrapper.java:316)
	at javasoft.sqe.javatest.regtest.AppletWrapper$AppletThread.run(AppletWrapper.java:157)
	at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:484)
STATUS:Failed.Applet thread threw exception: java.lang.RuntimeException: 
KeyPressed not triggered for KeyCode : 35 , End
KeyReleased not triggered for KeyCode : 35 , End
Invalid KeyCode Exception was thrown when KeyPressed was done for KeyCode : 517 KeyText : Exclamation Mark
Invalid KeyCode Exception was thrown when KeyPressed was done for KeyCode : 512 KeyText : At
Invalid KeyCode Exception was thrown when KeyPressed was done for KeyCode : 520 KeyText : Number Sign
Invalid KeyCode Exception was thrown when KeyPressed was done for KeyCode : 515 KeyText : Dollar
Invalid KeyCode Exception was thrown when KeyPressed was done for KeyCode : 514 KeyText : Circumflex
Invalid KeyCode Exception was thrown when KeyPressed was done for KeyCode : 150 KeyText : Ampersand
Invalid KeyCode Exception was thrown when KeyPressed was done for KeyCode : 151 KeyText : Asterisk
Invalid KeyCode Exception was thrown when KeyPressed was done for KeyCode : 519 KeyText : Left Parenthesis
Invalid KeyCode Exception was thrown when KeyPressed was done for KeyCode : 522 KeyText : Right Parenthesis
Invalid KeyCode Exception was thrown when KeyPressed was done for KeyCode : 523 KeyText : Underscore
Invalid KeyCode Exception was thrown when KeyPressed was done for KeyCode : 521 KeyText : Plus
Invalid KeyCode Exception was thrown when KeyPressed was done for KeyCode : 161 KeyText : Left Brace
Invalid KeyCode Exception was thrown when KeyPressed was done for KeyCode : 162 KeyText : Right Brace
Invalid KeyCode Exception was thrown when KeyPressed was done for KeyCode : 513 KeyText : Colon
Invalid KeyCode Exception was thrown when KeyPressed was done for KeyCode : 152 KeyText : Double Quote
Invalid KeyCode Exception was thrown when KeyPressed was done for KeyCode : 153 KeyText : Less
Invalid KeyCode Exception was thrown when KeyPressed was done for KeyCode : 160 KeyText : Greater

command: applet result: Failed. Unexpected exit from test
test result: Failed. Unexpected exit from test



EVALUATION This sounds like 4347983, which I fixed on Solaris in Merlin-beta. eric.hawkes@eng 2000-09-07 Commit to fix in Merlin (regression test failure). Should resolve this issue for Merlin. eric.hawkes@eng 2000-10-10 BTW, the thing that concerns me is that the End key seems to be failing. That is not similar to 4347983. eric.hawkes@eng 2000-12-18 I don't know where the test case is. Emailed the sun contact for more information on May 5, 2001. eric.hawkes@eng 2001-05-05 Test case located at: /net/sqesvr/export/awt/awt_ws/Robot/src/SimpleRobotKeyTest eric.hawkes@eng 2001-05-07 This worked pretty well when I ran on Solaris 2.7. There were two failures: the Stop and Again keys. There is already a bug about this issue: 4432364. On Linux, everything worked fine except for the End key - just as it says in the description. No keyEvent at all is generated for the End key, although it is for all the other keys. Problem with Linux? Problem with the Robot? The Robot is working just fine on Solaris 7, though. Note: a focus bug prevents this from running quite as expected - you have to click on the canvas to give it the focus. eric.hawkes@eng 2001-05-10 I filed 4458035 about the VK_END key not working. I think that is a bug in the Robot class. Since no other issues remain, I am closing this as a duplicate of 4347983. eric.hawkes@eng 2001-05-12