Solaris locale=ar.
Machine information is attached in the file algol.dat.
The test was run using Merlin build 20.
Install the Solaris 8 patches 108652-08 and 108940-03.
FontTest.tar is an attachment. Retrieve the source code
and the script FontTest.ksh. Login to the test locale,
export JAVA_HOME into your environment, and run
The program will bring up five panes entitled
(1) AWT Labels, (2) AWT TextFields, (3) Swing Components,
(4) Java2D Stroke, and (5) Java2D Fill.
In each pane there is a grid of Strings. There are 5 rows
and 4 columns. The rows are labelled (1) Serif,
(2) SansSerif, (3) Monospaced, (4) Dialog, and
(5) DialogInput. The columns are labelled (1) Plain,
(2) Italic, (3) Bold, and (4) BoldItalic.
Also on each pane, in the upper right corner, are displayed
the locale and language, where the language is displayed
in the locale's language and is liable to contain non-English
No Arabic will be visible in any of the panes.
allan.jacobs@Eng 2000-06-19
I've replaced the attached source code. The new version tests
There are a lot of new Recommended and Security patches for
Solaris 8. I applied them before testing again.
AWT is unsupported. The Swing panes seem to work--except that
there is a stray unprintable character at the end of the text
in all panes of the new JTextFields panel.
allan.jacobs@Eng 2001-03-15