JDK-4262372 : Spaces in command-line parameters removed by Runtime.exec
  • Type: Bug
  • Component: hotspot
  • Sub-Component: runtime
  • Affected Version: 1.2.2
  • Priority: P3
  • Status: Closed
  • Resolution: Duplicate
  • OS: generic
  • CPU: generic
  • Submitted: 1999-08-13
  • Updated: 1999-09-01
  • Resolved: 1999-09-01
Related Reports
Duplicate :  

Name: krT82822			Date: 08/13/99

When using Runtime.exec to execute a windows console program
(findstr.exe), passed a search parameter containing two adjacent
spaces.  Neither version of the exec method works to produce the
same output as you get by executing the command from the
command line, but both do generate different results, given
the identical command.  The program worked fine when using
the string[] exec method in jdk 1.1.8 but not with the 1.2 versions

Output of java -version:
java version "1.2.2"
Classic VM (build JDK-1.2.2-W, native threads, symcjit)

The command-line I'm trying to emit is:
   findstr /B /C:"AA.  " acro.txt

where findstr.exe is a standard windows NT console program located in the
windows directory (execute findstr /? for parameter explanations), and
'acro.txt' is the following 46-line text data file:

AA  Avenue of Approach
AA  Alcoholics Anonymous
AA  Automobile Association (in England)
AAA  American Automobile Association
AAAL  American Academy of Arts and Letters
AAAS  American Association for the Advancement of Science
AAII  American Association of Individual Investors
AAMSI  American Association for Medical Systems Informatics
AAP  Affirmative Action Program
AARC  Anglo-American Cataloging Rules
ACAA  Agricultural Conservation and Adjustment Administration
AIAA  American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
AMRAAM  Advanced Medium Range Air-To-Air Missile
FAA  Federal Aviation Agency
GAAP  Generally Accepted Accounting Principles
HP  Higher Power (sort of an AA "in" term, usually God)
MAAP  Maintenance And Administration Panel
NAACP  National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
NAAS  North American Automated Systems co.
NOAA  National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
RAAF  Royal Australian Air Force
SAA  South Atlantic Anomaly
SAA  Systems Application Architecture
AA  Associate in Accounting
AA  Antiaircraft Artillery
AA  Affirmative Action committee
AA  Another Acronym
AAA  Autonomous Administrative Area
AAI  Automated AUTODIN Interface
AAI  Administration Authority Identifier
AAL  ATM Application Layer
AARE  Application Associate REsponse
AARNet  Australian Academic Research Network
AARP  AppleTalk Address Resolution Protocol
AARQ  Application Associate ReQuest
AARTS  Automatic Audio Remote Test Set
DAAC  Distributed Active Archive Center
GAAP  Generally Accepted Accounting Principles
ISSAA  Information System Selection Acquisition Agency
MAA  MAjor synchronize Acknowledge
SAA  Systems Application Architecture
THAAD  Theater High Altitude Area Defense system
YAA  Yet Another Acronym
TANSTAAFL  There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch
THAAD  Theater High Altitude Area Defense system

The following program executes the command first with the string
array, then with the string:

import java.io.*;

public class jdcbug {
  public static void main(String argv[]) {
    Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime();
    Process p;
    BufferedReader br;

    // Note: 'findstr.exe' is a Microsoft executable found in /windows
    //   on NT4.0 systems.  See findstr /? for more info on parameters.
    //   The use of a '.' in the search string specifies 'match one and
    //   only one character'.
    String[] command = new String[4];
    command[0] = "findstr"; // the lookup program to execute
    command[1] = "/B";      // parameter - look at the start of the line.
    command[2] = "/C:\"AA.  \""; // parameter - the literal search string.
    command[3] = "acro.txt";     // parameter - which file to look in.

    // Output 1 - array version
    try {
      p = rt.exec(command);
      br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(p.getInputStream()));

      String resultLine = "";
      while((resultLine = br.readLine()) != null) {
      }//end while
    } catch(IOException ioe) {
    }//end try/catch

    System.out.println("\n\n"); // output separator

    // Output 2 - string version
    String s = "findstr /B /C:\"AA.  \" acro.txt";
    try {
      p = rt.exec(s);
      br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(p.getInputStream()));

      String resultLine = "";
      while((resultLine = br.readLine()) != null) {
      }//end while
    } catch(IOException ioe) {
    }//end try/catch
  }//end main

}//end jdcbug

Here is the output:

acro.txt:AA  Avenue of Approach
acro.txt:AA  Alcoholics Anonymous
acro.txt:AA  Automobile Association (in England)
acro.txt:AAA  American Automobile Association
acro.txt:AAAL  American Academy of Arts and Letters
acro.txt:AAAS  American Association for the Advancement of Science
acro.txt:AAII  American Association of Individual Investors
acro.txt:AAMSI  American Association for Medical Systems Informatics
acro.txt:AAP  Affirmative Action Program
acro.txt:AARC  Anglo-American Cataloging Rules
acro.txt:AA  Associate in Accounting
acro.txt:AA  Antiaircraft Artillery
acro.txt:AA  Affirmative Action committee
acro.txt:AA  Another Acronym
acro.txt:AAA  Autonomous Administrative Area
acro.txt:AAI  Automated AUTODIN Interface
acro.txt:AAI  AUTODIN/AUTOVON Interface
acro.txt:AAI  Administration Authority Identifier
acro.txt:AAL  ATM Application Layer
acro.txt:AARE  Application Associate REsponse
acro.txt:AARNet  Australian Academic Research Network
acro.txt:AARP  AppleTalk Address Resolution Protocol
acro.txt:AARQ  Application Associate ReQuest
acro.txt:AARTS  Automatic Audio Remote Test Set

AA  Avenue of Approach
AA  Alcoholics Anonymous
AA  Automobile Association (in England)
AAA  American Automobile Association
AAP  Affirmative Action Program
AA  Associate in Accounting
AA  Antiaircraft Artillery
AA  Affirmative Action committee
AA  Another Acronym
AAA  Autonomous Administrative Area
AAI  Automated AUTODIN Interface
AAI  Administration Authority Identifier
AAL  ATM Application Layer

Here is the (as expected) output when the command
is issued from a command line:

AAA  American Automobile Association
AAP  Affirmative Action Program
AAA  Autonomous Administrative Area
AAI  Automated AUTODIN Interface
AAI  Administration Authority Identifier
AAL  ATM Application Layer

It seems as though the array method of exec is removing
both spaces and also adding a 'blank' final parameter,
and the string version is collapsing the two spaces down
to one.
(Review ID: 93898) 

EVALUATION This is an known problem. You can use the Runtime.exec(String[] args) to workaround the problem. Letting Runtime.exec() pass platform specific command line requires significant amount of spec work, which will not be done any time soon. ###@###.### 1999-08-13