Duplicate :
Name: vi73552 Date: 04/27/99 Bug ID 4180369 says URLClassLoader cached jar files (jar_cacheXXX.tmp) should be deleted on exit as of 1.2fcs(File.deleteOnExit). This isn't happening. Run the attached application and check your temp directory - it leaves the jar_cache file after exiting. Use "jar tvf" to view the contents of the jar_cache file to verify it is the one specified in the URL in the source code. import java.net.*; public class JarCacheJunk { public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception { URL urls[] = new URL[1]; urls[0] = new URL("http://morechat.talkcity.com/java/ezclasses/ezlite.jar"); URLClassLoader cl = new URLClassLoader(urls); Class cls = cl.loadClass("lw.ezlite.EZLite"); System.exit(0); } } (Review ID: 57157) ======================================================================