Name: gsC80088 Date: 02/17/99
For long-running processes (24x7, for instance), it would be nice
if ResourceBundles were "reloadable", even if it were just
PropertyResourceBundle. I've been researching how I could write
a subclass of ResourceBundle that could provide this functionality,
but the two things I need to get control over are not accessible
from subclasses of ResourceBundle.
First, there is no way to remove the entry from the "cacheList".
If I could remove the entry from that, then the next call to
"getBundle" for that resource file would reload the bundle (I
Second, if I can't zero the cache entry, I could concievably
implement a "wrapper" that just used "Properties.load(String)",
but the ResourceBundle doesn't allow me to know the name of the
actual ".properties" file that was found.
What I'm left with is basically writing a class like
ResourceBundle, much simpler in some respects, but missing a lot
of the functionality I get with ResourceBundle. This may not be
worth the trouble.
I would appreciate anything that would help me get closer to what
I need.
(Review ID: 53808)