Dialogs are globally modal instead of modal with respect to their parent window only.
Dialogs modality is global
There has been a lot of confusion over what the AWT's definition of
modality is (Swing simply inherits this functionality from awt.Dialog).
The spec in java.awt.Dialog now reads:
* A dialog can be either modeless (the default) or modal. A modal
* dialog is one which blocks input to all other toplevel windows
* in the app context, except for any windows created with the dialog
* as their owner.
I'm going to convert this to an RFE, as the request to have a modality
'mode' where input is only blocked to the owner window is quite reasonable.
amy.fowler@Eng 1998-10-21
We are considering a three-level modality hierarchy (Toolkit, AppConext, Parent)
for 1.3. See http://javaweb.eng/~dpm/modal.txt.
david.mendenhall@eng 1998-10-22