JDK-4168625 : inefficiency in java.util.ResourceBundle causes extra network traffic
  • Type: Bug
  • Component: core-libs
  • Sub-Component: java.util:i18n
  • Affected Version: 1.1.5,1.1.6
  • Priority: P2
  • Status: Resolved
  • Resolution: Fixed
  • OS: generic,windows_nt
  • CPU: generic,x86
  • Submitted: 1998-08-24
  • Updated: 2013-11-01
  • Resolved: 1999-06-23
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Resolved: Release in which this issue/RFE has been resolved.
Fixed : Release in which this issue/RFE has been fixed. The release containing this fix may be available for download as an Early Access Release or a General Availability Release.

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1.3.0 betaFixed
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Name: chT40241			Date: 08/24/98

Found a bug in java.util.ResourceBundle; submitted to JavaSoft

Consider a call to java.util.ResourceBundle.getBundle("com.sas.Resources")
where the default locale is en_US
The only resource bundle that exists
is com/sas/Resources.properties

Tracing the network traffic (i.e. look at the Java console when running
an applet with the Java PlugIn 1.1[.1], you'll see the following network
reads occurring:

Opening http://d133.us.sas.com/sasjavasoft/com/sas/Resources_en_US.class no proxy
Opening http://d133.us.sas.com/sasjavasoft/com/sas/Resources_en_US.properties no proxy
Opening http://d133.us.sas.com/sasjavasoft/com/sas/Resources_en.class no proxy
Opening http://d133.us.sas.com/sasjavasoft/com/sas/Resources_en.properties no proxy
Opening http://d133.us.sas.com/sasjavasoft/com/sas/Resources_en_US.class no proxy
Opening http://d133.us.sas.com/sasjavasoft/com/sas/Resources_en_US.properties no proxy
Opening http://d133.us.sas.com/sasjavasoft/com/sas/Resources_en.class no proxy
Opening http://d133.us.sas.com/sasjavasoft/com/sas/Resources_en.properties no proxy
Opening http://d133.us.sas.com/sasjavasoft/com/sas/Resources.class no proxy

that is, there are two attempted network reads each of


when there should only be one each.

Inspecting the JDK 1.1.6 code for ResourceBundle shows why.

ResourceBundle.getBundle(String baseName) calls
which calls 
and if that fails, turns around and calls

findBundle(...,false) tries to find the resource (i.e. com.sas.Resources)
via the passed in Locale "en_US" and "en", and fails, then 
findBundle(...,true) tries to find the resource (i.e. com.sas.Resources)
via the passed in Locale "en_US" and "en", and then finally
by no locale, and finally finds it.

Further, findBundle(...,false) does *not* mark com.sas.Resources_en_US and
com.sas.Resources_en as NOTFOUND,
so in the call to findBundle(...,true) it retries
com.sas.Resources_en_US and com.sas.Resources_en again (and fails)
and only when it finds com/sas/Resources.properties does it
mark com.sas.Resources_en_US and com.sas.Resources_en as NOTFOUND.

This causes much unecessary network traffic when loading resource
bundles, especially when the default resource bundle matches
the en_US locale, but there is no corresponding en_US .properties file.


CONVERTED DATA BugTraq+ Release Management Values COMMIT TO FIX: kestrel FIXED IN: kestrel-beta INTEGRATED IN: kestrel-beta

EVALUATION Pseudo-evaluation so we can mark this committed.