Test Environment:
SwingSetApplet in IE without downloading swing through network, WindowNT, JDK1.1.5, Swing-1.0.2(4/14 promotion)
JComboBox drop-down problem
a. Launch SwingSetApplet in IE.
b. Select 'ComboBox' tab.
b. Resize IE so that its height is about 500 pixels.
c. Scroll down so that you see 'Hello I'm the choice 0' combo box.
d. Press the combo box.
e. The combo box is not dropping down.
There is another combo box on the right side of the 'Hello I'm the choice 0' combo box. That combo box is working fine.
Reduce IE so that its height is about 300 pixel and press the combo box whose labe is 'Swing'. It is dropped down.
bae-chul.kim@eng 1998-04-15