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1.1.8 1.1.8Fixed | 1.2.0Fixed |
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Name: rm29839 Date: 12/17/97 New code page converter Cp932 which represents Microsoft Windows Shift-JIS is desired. Cp932 is a superset of SJIS. It includes following characters: - 0x8740 - 0x879C : 83 characters 0xED40 - 0xEDFC : 188 characters 0xEE40 - 0xEEFC : 186 characters 0xF040 - 0xF9FC : 2071 characters (End-User-Defined Characters) 0xFA40 - 0xFC4B : 388 characters - Since SJIS is the default encoding of JVM on Japanese Windows NT/95, above characters are gone during conversion. (Review ID: 22061) ======================================================================