Three files to reproduce the problem has been attached.
1. : a Java source code
2. lha.exe : a Windows 16-bit application
3. kobspin2.lzh : an input file to the application above
Exact steps to recreate the problem :
1. Place the attached source code ( onto your
x86-PC with Windows NT 4.0 operation system.
2. Compile it with the javac and place the resulting byte
code (Rt2.class) into one of your CLASSPATH directory.
command line: javac
copy Rt2.class <your-class-directory>
3. Place the attached file lha.exe into c:\util
directory, and kobspin2.lzh into c:\temp directory.
4. Run the java application Rt2.
command line: java Rt2
An exception should occur with the traceback exactly the
same as that in my original bug report.
According to a Microsoft Win32 SDK document, error number 5 from
the CreateProcess API means "ACCESS_DENIED"
If this description still lacks something, please contact me again.
Hisato Kato
Steel CALS Consortium