The Version table provides details related to the release that this issue/RFE will be addressed.
Unresolved : Release in which this issue/RFE will be addressed. Resolved: Release in which this issue/RFE has been resolved. Fixed : Release in which this issue/RFE has been fixed. The release containing this fix may be available for download as an Early Access Release or a General Availability Release.
see parent CR. This subCR tracks the 6.0 avatar of the bug.
Event: putback-to
Parent workspace: /net/jano.sfbay/export/disk05/hotspot/ws/1.6/rc/baseline
Child workspace: /net/prt-web.sfbay/prt-workspaces/20061003151202.ysr.mustang/workspace
User: ysr
Job ID: 20061003151202.ysr.mustang
Original workspace: neeraja:/net/jano.sfbay/export/hotspot/users1/ysr/mustang
Submitter: ysr
Archived data: /net/prt-archiver.sfbay/data/archived_workspaces/1.6/rc/baseline/2006/20061003151202.ysr.mustang/
webrev: http://analemma.sfbay/net/jano/export/disk05/hotspot/users/ysr/mustang
Backport to 6.0b101 of the fixes from 7.0:
Prologue: Because 6476760 (a duplicate of 6472335) involves
a JCK failure with -Xincgc, this bug is considred
a showstopper for 6.0 necessitating this
backport from 7.0 where this bug had recently been fixed.
Below I reproduce the putback cooments for the 7.0 changes
associated with this bug. (Note the second fix below
corrects an issue identified by the first fix.)
Fixed 6472335: Allocation of huge array which would cause OutOfMemoryError causes JVM to hang with -Xincgc.
A predicate computation in CMSGen::allocation_limit_reached()
was overflowing. This day-one bug was unmasked because of the
recent (b92) fix for CR 6415406.
Reviewed by: Andrey Petrusenko
Fix Verified: yes
Verification Testing: test in bug report
Other testing: PRT & refworload ? incgc ? concgc
Fixed 6475811: iCMS: assert(top < _icms_stop_limit,"Tautology")
The assert, recently introduced w/the changes for 6472335, was
a tad too strong and could have been merely weakened by changing
the "<" to "<=". It, however, indicated a slight inefficiency
in iCMS strobing in that an essentially empty strobe would apply
for sufficiently low values of the duty-cycle. In these cases,
we now just elide the unnecessary empty strobe entirely.
(See some further commentary in the bug report.)
Reviewed by: John Coomes, Andrey Petrusenko (, Igor Veresov)
Fix Verified: yes
Verification Testing: (the failing nightly tests)
Other testing: (in progress) PRT & refworload w/incgc
update: src/share/vm/memory/concurrentMarkSweepGeneration.cpp
Examined files: 3875
Contents Summary:
1 update
3874 no action (unchanged)