ADDITIONAL OS VERSION INFORMATION : x64 Oracle Solaris 11.4 OS with GNOME 3, x64 Linux OS with GNOME 3. A DESCRIPTION OF THE PROBLEM : If "javax.swing.JFrame" window is in minimized state and during this time the application changes internal states of Swing components contained in this window, for example through such methods as "javax.swing.JButton.setText(String)", "javax.swing.JLabel.setIcon(Icon)" etc., then after the user makes the window visible by returning it back to a normal state, the UI of Swing components does not reflect the latest changes in their internal states, for example a text on "JButton" instance is not updated, a new image is not drawn in "JLabel" instance. STEPS TO FOLLOW TO REPRODUCE THE PROBLEM : 1. Compile and run the attached to this bug test case "". 2. Click "Start Test Iteration" button and immediately within 10 seconds minimize the window of the test case application by doing right click on any place of the title bar of the application window and by selecting 'Minimize' option in the system popup menu. 3. Wait for 10 seconds and return the minimized window back to a normal state. The bug is reproduced, if the UI components are not updated with correct data. On each test iteration the text on all the tested UI components will contain the new sub-strings, for example "AAA" will be changed to "BBB", on next test iteration "BBB" sub-strings will be changed to "CCC".