JDK-8249100 : JEP 390: Warnings for Value-Based Classes
  • Type: JEP
  • Component: not defined
  • Priority: P3
  • Status: Closed
  • Resolution: Delivered
  • Fix Versions: 16
  • Submitted: 2020-07-08
  • Updated: 2021-08-30
  • Resolved: 2021-02-12
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JDK-8254272 :  
JDK-8257845 :  
JDK-8262495 :  

Designate the primitive wrapper classes as _value-based_ and deprecate their
constructors for removal, prompting new deprecation warnings.
Provide warnings about improper attempts to synchronize on instances of
any value-based classes in the Java Platform.


The [Valhalla Project](https://openjdk.java.net/projects/valhalla/) is pursuing
a significant enhancement to the Java programming model in the form of *primitive
classes*. Such classes declare their instances to be identity-free and capable
of inline or flattened representations, where instances can be copied freely
between memory locations and encoded using solely the values of the instances'

The design and implementation of primitive classes is sufficiently mature that we
can confidently anticipate migrating certain classes of the Java Platform to
become primitive classes in a future release.

Candidates for migration are informally designated as
[_value-based classes_](https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/javase/15/docs/api/java.base/java/lang/doc-files/ValueBased.html)
in the API specifications.
Broadly, this means that they encode immutable objects whose identity is unimportant
to the behavior of the class, and that they don't provide instance creation mechanisms,
such as public constructors, that promise a unique identity with each call.

The primitive wrapper classes (`java.lang.Integer`, `java.lang.Double`, etc.)
are also intended to become primitive classes. These classes satisfy most of
the requirements to be designated as value-based, with the exception that
they expose deprecated (since Java 9) `public` constructors. With some adjustments
to the definition, they can be considered value-based classes, too.

Clients of the value-based classes will generally be unaffected by primitive class
migration, except where they violate recommendations for usage of these
classes. In particular, when running on a future Java release in which the migration
has occurred:

1.  Instances of these classes that are equal (per `equals`) may also be considered
identical (per `==`), potentially breaking programs that rely on a `!=` result for correct

2.  Attempts to create wrapper class instances with `new Integer`, `new Double`, etc.,
rather than implicit boxing or calls to the `valueOf` factory methods, will produce

3.  Attempts to synchronize on instances of these classes will produce exceptions.

These changes may be inconvenient for some, but the workarounds are
straightforward: if you need an identity, use a different class—often one you
define yourself, but `Object` or `AtomicReference` may also be suitable.  The
benefits of migrating to primitive classes—better performance, reliable equality
semantics, unifying primitives and classes—will be well worth the inconvenience.

(1) has already been discouraged by avoiding promises about unique identities in the
value-based classes' factory methods. There is not a practical way to automatically
detect programs that ignore these specifications and rely on current implementation
behavior, but we expect such cases to be rare.

We can discourage (2) by deprecating the wrapper class constructors for removal,
which will amplify the warnings that occur when compiling calls to these constructors.
A significant portion of existing Java projects (perhaps 1%-10% of them) call the wrapper
class constructors, though in many cases they intend only to run on pre-9 Java releases.
Many popular open-source projects have already responded to the deprecation warnings
of Java 9 by removing wrapper constructor calls from their sources, and we can expect many
more to do so, given the heightened urgency of "deprecated for removal" warnings.
Additional features to mitigate this problem are described in the _Dependencies_ section.

We can discourage (3) by implementing warnings, at compile time and run time,
to inform programmers that their synchronization operations will not work in
a future release.


The primitive wrapper classes in `java.lang` (`Byte`, `Short`, `Integer`,
`Long`, `Float`, `Double`, `Boolean`, and `Character`) have been designated as value-based.
The [description of _value-based classes_](https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/javase/15/docs/api/java.base/java/lang/doc-files/ValueBased.html)
has been updated to allow for deprecated constructors and interning factories, and to better
align with the requirements for primitive class migration (for example, a value-based class
should not inherit any instance fields).

To discourage misuse of value-based class instances:

-   The primitive wrapper class constructors, originally deprecated in Java 9, have been
deprecated for removal. Wherever the constructors are called in source, `javac`
by default produces `removal` warnings. The `jdeprscan` tool may
be used to identify usage of deprecated APIs in binaries.

-   `javac` implements a new warning category, `synchronization`, which identifies usages
of the `synchronized` statement with an operand of a value-based class type, or of a
type whose subtypes are all specified to be value-based. The warning category is
turned on by default, and can be manually selected with `-Xlint:synchronization`.

-   HotSpot implements runtime detection of `monitorenter` occurring on a value-based class
instance. The command-line option `-XX:DiagnoseSyncOnValueBasedClasses=1` will treat
the operation as a fatal error. The command-line option `-XX:DiagnoseSyncOnValueBasedClasses=2`
will turn on logging, both via the console and via JDK Flight Recorder events.

Compile-time synchronization warnings depend on static typing, while runtime
warnings can respond to synchronization on non-value-based class and interface
types, like `Object`.

For example:

Double d = 20.0;
synchronized (d) { ... } // javac warning & HotSpot warning
Object o = d;
synchronized (o) { ... } // HotSpot warning

The `monitorexit` bytecode and the `Object` methods `wait`, `notify`, and
`notifyAll` have always thrown an `IllegalMonitorStateException` if invoked outside of
a `synchronized` statement or method. There is thus no need for warnings about
these operations.

### Identifying value-based classes

Within the JDK, the `@jdk.internal.ValueBased` annotation is used to signal to
`javac` and HotSpot that a class is value-based, or that an abstract class or interface
requires value-based subclasses.

`@ValueBased` is applied to the following declarations in the Java Platform API and the JDK:

  - The primitive wrapper classes in `java.lang`;

  - The class `java.lang.Runtime.Version`;

  - The "optional" classes in `java.util`: `Optional`, `OptionalInt`,
    `OptionalLong`, and `OptionalDouble`;

  - Many classes in the `java.time` API: `Instant`, `LocalDate`, `LocalTime`,
    `LocalDateTime`, `ZonedDateTime`, `ZoneId`, `OffsetTime`, `OffsetDateTime`,
    `ZoneOffset`, `Duration`, `Period`, `Year`, `YearMonth`, and `MonthDay`,
    and, in `java.time.chrono`: `MinguoDate`, `HijrahDate`, `JapaneseDate`, and

  - The interface `java.lang.ProcessHandle` and its implementation classes;

  - The implementation classes of the collection factories in `java.util`:
    `List.of`, `List.copyOf`, `Set.of`, `Set.copyOf`, `Map.of`, `Map.copyOf`,
    `Map.ofEntries`, and `Map.entry`.

Wherever the annotation is applied to an abstract class or interface, it is also applied to all
subclasses in the JDK.

Some classes and interfaces in `java.lang.constant` and `jdk.incubator.foreign` have claimed 
to be value-based, but do not meet the revised requirements—for example, they inherit
instance fields—and so cannot be migrated to be primitive classes. In this case, it's
no longer appropriate to describe these as value-based classes, and their specifications
have been revised.

### Scope of changes

_Java SE_: This JEP modifies Java SE by refining the specifications of the primitive wrapper
classes, existing value-based classes, and related interfaces and factory methods. It also deprecates
for removal the primitive wrapper class constructors. It does _not_ make any changes to the
Java Language or Java Virtual Machine specifications.

_JDK_: In the JDK, this JEP also adds new warning and logging capabilities to `javac` and HotSpot.
And it defines the annotation `@jdk.internal.ValueBased` and applies it to a number of JDK classes.


We could abandon efforts to migrate these classes to be primitive classes.
However, there are significant benefits that developers will enjoy when we
complete the migration, and the relative impact on developers who depend on
problematic behavior is small.

It would be possible to supplement the compile-time deprecation warnings
with run-time warnings. This is left as future work for another JEP (see below).

There may be other classes that could be migrated to be primitive classes,
including API classes and classes generated by features like
`java.lang.invoke.LambdaMetafactory`. This JEP limits itself to the wrapper
classes and classes already designated as value-based. Again, additional
warnings could be introduced as future work.


Migrating value-based classes to be primitive classes will require a reasonable
amount of lead time with these warnings in place. Most significantly, a JEP to
make the wrapper classes primitive classes cannot proceed until some number of
releases after completion of this JEP.

Another prerequisite to making the wrapper classes primitive classes is
sufficient tooling to identify and work around legacy uses of their constructors.
Two followup features will be investigated in separate JEPs:

- HotSpot runtime warnings for usages of deprecated APIs, including the wrapper
class constructors. This would complement the warnings produced by `javac` and `jdeprscan`.

- Tooling to support execution of binaries that are unable to update their usages of wrapper
class constructors. This might, for example, give programmers the option to rewrite their
bytecodes to make use of the `valueOf` factory methods.

Proposing to Target to squeeze this into 16, but there are some outstanding pieces right now: - CSR for some API spec changes needs review (JDK-8254944) - CSR for javac warnings is provisional (JDK-8256023) - Code is done, but there may be some outstanding failing test issues

[~dlsmith] I’ve done a light copy-editing pass to streamline the text and correct some terminology. If this looks okay to you then assign the issue to me and I’ll move it to Candidate. It’d be nice to find a better way to say things like “its instances will be `==`”, which doesn’t read very well, but I couldn’t come up with a suitable short phrase.

Harold, the intent is that it is encoded as a normal annotation (in the 'RuntimeVisibleAnnotations' attribute of the class).

How will the @ValueBased annotation be represented in a class file? As an attribute, annotation, flag, or something else?

[~dlsmith] can you clarify that there is no intent to throw exceptions upon "monitorenter" for these classes, but only as stated: - Hotspot provides an option to fail, log a warning, or emit a Java Flight Recorder event when a monitorenter occurs for an instance of one of these classes. The work under JDK-8242263 is also exploring the throwing of an exception - which is significantly more complicated than the other responses. Thanks.

JDK-8242263 includes some related work on runtime synchronization warnings, but is limited to the primitive wrapper classes.