This happens when the `type` implements an interface with a default method whose return type is missing from the classpath: ``` interface MissingInterface { } class MissingInterfaceImpl implements MissingInterface { } interface SomeInterface { default MissingInterface someMethod() { return new MissingInterfaceImpl(); } } class Wrapper { SomeInterface getSomeInterface() { return new SomeInterface() { }; } } ``` The use case for this is to call `ResolvedJavaType.getDeclaredMethod()` from GraalVM Native Image to check if an interface declares any default methods. When `getDeclaredMethod()` is invoked there is no reason to trigger linking of the class so no call to `link_class` should be necessary. More over, HotSpot already stores a "has default method" flag for interfaces. It would be ideal if JVMCI can expose this.