Java application cannot use InputMethod (IM) if IM was restarted.
Some native applications on X-Window can do that.
We need to consider two conditions:
1. IM restarted during Java application is working.
2. Java application started with IM down. Then, IM started.
My first proposal was posted in
I���d like to post the revised one.
<Recreate steps>
1. Launch an application with Text or JText component under East-Asian (Chinese, Korean, or Japanese) environment.
2. Turn on Input Method (IM) on X-Window and input some Asian characters to Text component.
3. kill the IM frontend by OS and restart it. This emulates IM crash or IM restarting to change the configuration.
IM frontend depends on environment. For example, ibus-x11, fcitx, kinput2 etc.
For ibus,
$ ibus-daemon -r --xim
command restart ibus.
4. Change focus to other window and back.
5. Try to repeat the step 2.
We cannot turn on IM. We can input only English characters, but cannot input Asian characters.
<expected result>
We can turn on IM and can use it as same as step2.