-XX:AOTLibrary used to specify aot-ed library doesn't accepts windows paths and fails with "error opening file: Can't find dependent libraries" The error is thrown by open/src/hotspot/os/windows/os_windows.cp:os::dll_load 1358 void * os::dll_load(const char *name, char *ebuf, int ebuflen) { 1359 void * result = LoadLibrary(name); 1360 if (result != NULL) { 1361 // Recalculate pdb search path if a DLL was loaded successfully. 1362 SymbolEngine::recalc_search_path(); 1363 return result; 1364 } 1365 1366 DWORD errcode = GetLastError(); 1367 if (errcode == ERROR_MOD_NOT_FOUND) { 1368 strncpy(ebuf, "Can't find dependent libraries", ebuflen - 1); 1369 ebuf[ebuflen - 1] = '\0'; 1370 return NULL; 1371 } The cause is that windows LoadLibrary() doesn't accept path. AOT JEP (http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/295) says: "-XX:AOTLibrary=<file> Specify a list of AOT library files. Separate libraries entries with colons (:) or comma (,)." Also -XX:AOTLibrary works fine with paths on unix systems. Looks like os_windows.cp:os::dll_load need to be fixed to accepts paths.