To reproduce, run the example - move thumb between two ticks - press button to enable snapToTicks - expected: value (and with it the thumb) snapped to nearest tick - actual: value/thumb unchanged, snapped at the next mouse touch only Example: public class SliderSnapToTickBug extends Application { @Override public void start(Stage primaryStage) { Slider slider = new Slider(5, 25, 15); // show ticks slider.setShowTickMarks(true); slider.setShowTickLabels(true); slider.setMajorTickUnit(10); Label valueLabel = new Label(); valueLabel.textProperty().bind(slider.valueProperty().asString()); Button snapTicks = new Button("snap to ticks"); snapTicks.setOnAction(e -> { slider.setSnapToTicks(!slider.isSnapToTicks()); }); VBox root = new VBox(10, slider, valueLabel, snapTicks); primaryStage.setScene(new Scene(root, 500, 400));; } public static void main(String[] args) { launch(args); } } Reason: SliderSkin doesn't listen to changes of the snapToTicks property Fix: add listener and adjust value when changed to true // in SliderSkin constructor registerChangeListener(slider.snapToTicksProperty(), "SNAP_TO_TICKS"); // in handleControlProperty } else if ("SNAP_TO_TICKS".equals(p)) { if (slider.isSnapToTicks()) { slider.adjustValue(slider.getValue()); } } the fix is without any risk and well bounded - so could be added at once :-)