JDK-8079613 : Deeply chained expressions + several overloads + unnecessary inference result in excessive compile times.
  • Type: Bug
  • Component: tools
  • Sub-Component: javac
  • Affected Version: 8,9
  • Priority: P2
  • Status: Closed
  • Resolution: Fixed
  • OS: generic
  • CPU: generic
  • Submitted: 2015-05-07
  • Updated: 2016-06-30
  • Resolved: 2015-05-18
The Version table provides details related to the release that this issue/RFE will be addressed.

Unresolved : Release in which this issue/RFE will be addressed.
Resolved: Release in which this issue/RFE has been resolved.
Fixed : Release in which this issue/RFE has been fixed. The release containing this fix may be available for download as an Early Access Release or a General Availability Release.

To download the current JDK release, click here.
8u60Fixed 9 b66Fixed
On JDK9 tip, I see that javac takes seemingly forever to compile this program:

// -------- 8< -------------------
class JSONObject {
	JSONObject put(java.lang.String x , Object y) {
		return null;
	JSONObject put(java.lang.String x , java.util.Collection y) {
		return null;
	JSONObject put(java.lang.String x , int y) {
		return null;
	JSONObject put(java.lang.String x , long y) {
		return null;
	JSONObject put(java.lang.String x , double y) {
		return null;
	JSONObject put(java.lang.String x , java.util.Map y) {
		return null;
	JSONObject put(java.lang.String x , boolean y) {
		return null;

class JSONArray  {
	JSONArray put(Object x) {
		return null;
	JSONArray put(int i, Object x) {
		return null;
	JSONArray put(boolean x) {
		return null;
	JSONArray put(int x) {
		return null;
	JSONArray put(int i, int x) {
		return null;
	JSONArray put(int x, boolean y) {
		return null;
	JSONArray put(int i, long x) {
		return null;
	JSONArray put(long x) {
		return null;
	JSONArray put(java.util.Collection x) {
		return null;
	JSONArray put(int i, java.util.Collection x) {
		return null;
	JSONArray put(int i, java.util.Map x) {
		return null;
	JSONArray put(java.util.Map x) {
		return null;
	JSONArray put(int i, double x) {
		return null;
	JSONArray put(double x) {
		return null;

 * @author Copyright (c) 2004,2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 
public class X {

  private void test() throws Exception {
      final JSONObject query = new JSONObject()
      .put("fields", new JSONArray())
      .put("links", new JSONArray())
      .put("children", new JSONObject()
        .put("serverRuntimes", new JSONObject()
          .put("fields", new JSONArray().put("name"))
          .put("links", new JSONArray())
          .put("children", new JSONObject()
            .put("applicationRuntimes", new JSONObject()
              .put("fields", new JSONArray().put("name").put("internal"))
              .put("links", new JSONArray())
              .put("children", new JSONObject()
                .put("componentRuntimes", new JSONObject()
                  .put("fields", new JSONArray().put("name").put("deploymentState").put("type")
                  .put("links", new JSONArray())
                  .put("children", new JSONObject()
                    .put("servlets", new JSONObject()
                      .put("fields", new JSONArray().put("invocationTotalCount"))
                      .put("links", new JSONArray())
            .put("partitionRuntimes", new JSONObject()
              .put("fields", new JSONArray().put("name"))
              .put("links", new JSONArray())   
              .put("children", new JSONObject()
              .put("applicationRuntimes", new JSONObject()
                .put("fields", new JSONArray().put("name").put("internal"))
                .put("links", new JSONArray())
                .put("children", new JSONObject()
                  .put("componentRuntimes", new JSONObject()
                    .put("fields", new JSONArray().put("name").put("deploymentState").put("type")
                    .put("links", new JSONArray())
                    .put("children", new JSONObject()
                      .put("servlets", new JSONObject()
                        .put("fields", new JSONArray().put("invocationTotalCount"))
                        .put("links", new JSONArray()))

The number of overloads have a direct bearing on the time taken to compile the program, As I eliminate the patently incompatible candidates, compilation speeds picks up progressively.

(I didn't personally verify inference has a finger in the pie somewhere, but Jan Lahoda's cursory
investigation pointed to that)