The default toolkit under macos is LWCToolkit. It JDK8 this overrides getImage: public Image getImage(URL url) { if (imageCached(url)) { return super.getImage(url); } URL url2x = getScaledImageURL(url); return (imageExists(url2x)) ? getImageWithResolutionVariant(url, url2x) :super.getImage(url); } getScaledImageURL may return null. While SunToolkit.imageExists does checkfor null, it does this after a call to checkPermissions: protected static boolean imageExists(URL url) { checkPermissions(url); if (url != null) { try (InputStream is = url.openStream()) { return true; }catch(IOException e){ return false; } } return false; } Unfortunately, if there's a SecurityManager that checkPermissions call eventually ends up in URLUtil: public static Permission getConnectPermission(URL url) throws IOException { String urlStringLowerCase = url.toString().toLowerCase(); Where the null url gets dereferenced.