This is a request from JAMC. See JAMC-1748 and JAMC-1595 for details, and also JEM-244 at A problem, in a few words. Suppose an applet requires Java version X. It is launched on a desktop with versions X and Y installed, and version Y is the current, used by Java Plugin / Web Start. The applet is first launched with version Y, then re-launched with version X in a new process. It results in two Java Usage Tracker records: plugin2, appName java_version=X, version Y plugin2, appName java_version=X __applet_relaunched, version X The problem here is that the applet was not actually run with version Y, as the first JUT record implies. Java Plugin / Web Start should not report any JUT records, until: 1. It is clear what Java version is available and will be used to run the applet 2. It is clear that user has not cancelled application run (e.g. pressed "Cancel" button in a warning dialog)