JDK-8069412 : Locks need better debug-printing support
  • Type: Enhancement
  • Component: hotspot
  • Sub-Component: runtime
  • Affected Version: 9
  • Priority: P2
  • Status: Resolved
  • Resolution: Fixed
  • OS: generic
  • CPU: generic
  • Submitted: 2015-01-20
  • Updated: 2019-08-16
  • Resolved: 2015-02-17
The Version table provides details related to the release that this issue/RFE will be addressed.

Unresolved : Release in which this issue/RFE will be addressed.
Resolved: Release in which this issue/RFE has been resolved.
Fixed : Release in which this issue/RFE has been fixed. The release containing this fix may be available for download as an Early Access Release or a General Availability Release.

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8u60Fixed 9 b53Fixed
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In a debugging thread stack trace, I get basic information about locks.
I want to know more (bias, etc).  What I get instead is 0x00007fe15e3434fa
Those bits means something, and there should be a print-something method
that decodes that in detail, rather than me picking through the bits myself.

Priority's high because I am spinning my wheels on another bug, I know of
no workaround, and my wheelspinning is 100% reproducible.

And also, if for some reason the VM is in a state where the information might not
be reliable, I don't want to be told I can't see it, I don't want an assert, I just want
to be warned that it might not be reliable -- because otherwise I am looking at it
in the debugger, and it's not any more reliable then, and I'm not even warned (and
on this bug in particular, I have 5 minutes to figure it out before the processes in the
swarm that reproduces it detect non-progress and conspire to take themselves out
in a  circular firing squad of process termination.  I need better logging.)
Are there any plans to make tests for this enhancement?

Please add the missing functionality that you require.

I was aware of that code. I made these changes in my area, together with a hacky tie-in to backtrace printing that needs to not be as hacky as what I wrote, plus conditional on "Verbose": void markOopDesc::print_on(outputStream* st) const { - if (is_locked()) { - st->print("locked(" INTPTR_FORMAT ")->", value()); - markOop(*(markOop*)value())->print_on(st); - } else { - assert(is_unlocked() || has_bias_pattern(), "just checking"); - st->print("mark("); - if (has_bias_pattern()) st->print("biased,"); - st->print("hash %#lx,", hash()); - st->print("age %d)", age()); - } + if (is_marked()) { + st->print(" marked(" INTPTR_FORMAT ")", value()); + } else if (is_locked()) { + st->print(" locked(" INTPTR_FORMAT ")->", value()); + if (is_neutral()) { + st->print(" is_neutral"); + if (has_no_hash()) st->print(" no_hash"); + else st->print(" hash=" INTPTR_FORMAT, hash()); + st->print(" age=%d", age()); + } else if (has_bias_pattern()) { + st->print(" is_biased"); + JavaThread* jt = biased_locker(); + st->print(" biased_locker=" INTPTR_FORMAT, p2i(jt)); + } else if (has_monitor()) { + ObjectMonitor* mon = monitor(); + if (mon == NULL) + st->print(" monitor=NULL"); + else st->print(" monitor={count="INTPTR_FORMAT",waiters="INTPTR_FORMAT",recursions="INTPTR_FORMAT"}", + mon->count(), mon->waiters(), mon->recursions()); + } else { + st->print("??"); + } + } else { + assert(is_unlocked() || has_bias_pattern(), "just checking"); + st->print("mark("); + if (has_bias_pattern()) st->print("biased,"); + st->print("hash %#lx,", hash()); + st->print("age %d)", age()); + } } And this is still a problem, it is a problem for me, and nothing has changed. The debugger is not the best option for the bug I am working on; among other things, every process in the test is on the lookout for stuck siblings and takes them out, so all such work is time-limited. I'd like the option to log it, and I want the larger amount of information.

See Coleen's comment.

There is a markOop::print_on() function. You can call this from the debugger (if live). If it hangs or crashes, we may need to have some more checks against zero for robustness. void markOopDesc::print_on(outputStream* st) const { if (is_locked()) { st->print("locked(" INTPTR_FORMAT ")->", value()); markOop(*(markOop*)value())->print_on(st); } else { assert(is_unlocked() || has_bias_pattern(), "just checking"); st->print("mark("); if (has_bias_pattern()) st->print("biased,"); st->print("hash %#lx,", hash()); st->print("age %d)", age()); } }

Yes is_locked is defined as !unlocked; which does cause the marked case to also be pulled in. Dave Dice may be able to shed more light on that specific aspect.

There's another printing routine in the compiler world where, when I invoke it within the debugger, it hangs. I stepped through and it eventually grounded out in a piece of code that thought it would be a good idea to put the thread "in the right state". Not Very Useful. And the layout is "defined", sort of, in an instruction set for a very slow and flaky processor. As it stands, some of the predicates are willing to lie to you -- for example, is_locked() will return true for a bit pattern that is actually marked (perhaps this is intended behavior -- it's certainly not documented).

At the risk of stating the obvious the layout of the object header is defined in markOop.hpp Regarding: "And also, if for some reason the VM is in a state where the information might not be reliable, I don't want to be told I can't see it, I don't want an assert, I just want to be warned that it might not be reliable" What specifically are you referring to?

Right. I was getting this: at blah.blah.blah.net.socket.UdpSocket.send(UdpSocket.java:21) - waiting to lock <0x0000000780967378> (a java.net.DatagramPacket) I've enhanced it all the way up to lockbits= locked(0x00007fe15e3434fa)->?? - waiting to lock <0x00000007b1a77690> (a java.net.DatagramPacket) ?? means it's a bit pattern I have not yet handled. Apparently, it means "ObjectMonitor", which is "a very sensitive and fragile class" that ALSO lacks in sort of useful debug-printing support.

I'm guessing that you mean Java Locks or Java Monitors and not VM internal locks or monitors.