In a debugging thread stack trace, I get basic information about locks.
I want to know more (bias, etc). What I get instead is 0x00007fe15e3434fa
Those bits means something, and there should be a print-something method
that decodes that in detail, rather than me picking through the bits myself.
Priority's high because I am spinning my wheels on another bug, I know of
no workaround, and my wheelspinning is 100% reproducible.
And also, if for some reason the VM is in a state where the information might not
be reliable, I don't want to be told I can't see it, I don't want an assert, I just want
to be warned that it might not be reliable -- because otherwise I am looking at it
in the debugger, and it's not any more reliable then, and I'm not even warned (and
on this bug in particular, I have 5 minutes to figure it out before the processes in the
swarm that reproduces it detect non-progress and conspire to take themselves out
in a circular firing squad of process termination. I need better logging.)